‘Yo I’m Done with Yall’: Fans Fall Out Laughing After Yandy Smith-Harris and Mendeecees Harris Take the Couples Quiz
Yandy Smith-Harris and Mendeecees Harris have joined in on the TikTok couples quiz. In the quiz, there is a pre-recorded voice of a random person asking “Who does __ more,” and both people have to answer at the same time. Some couples do it blindfolded, but Yandy and Mendeecees decided to do without blindfolds.
Out of eight questions, the “Love and Hip Hop” couple only had about half that they agreed on which were “who is more grumpy,” “who takes better care of the other while drunk,” “who lies more,” and “who has better hygiene.” The other four questions — “who fell in love first,” “who’s more annoying when they’re hungry,” “who’s the homebody in the relationship,” and “who’s more spoiled,” — the two seemed to have different answers for.

Some fans were turned off a little by the fact that both Yandy and Mendeecees said Mendeecees was the one with the better hygiene. One person said, “Ya man got better hygiene still love ya.”
But Yandy elaborated on what she meant by that in the caption. She said: “Yes my husband is OCD clean! He has his shoes color coordinated, his side of the bathroom is spotless, meanwhile mine got sprinkles of make up, curlers, perfumes , he hates to see a dish in the sink, a fork outta place even a kids toy in any spot other than their room. So yes he’s annoying.
but I had to give him that credit on hygiene. Btw we played this game 2am in the morning. I was over it. See why when you tune into @loveandhiphop MONDAY NIGHT.”
Others laughed at how Mendeecees smiled when they both agreed that he lies the most. One fan commented, “The smile on the ‘who lies more’ Like he was so proud
. Get em yan!”
The mother of two also got called out for not being a homebody like she said she was. “You definitely not a homebody sis.” Other fans simply thought the entire video was funny. “Yo I’m done with yall,” said a fan.
Yandy and Mendeecees tied the knot in May 2015, and they share a son and a daughter. Mendeecees has two other children from his past relationships.