Ciara and Monica showed true sisterhood after they supported Vanessa and Natalia Bryant on Monday, Aug. 22, in Los Angeles in court at the trial over Kobe and Gianna Bryant’s helicopter crash-site photos. 

The two singers apparently never left their friend and her daughter’s sides. TMZ reported, “The 2 singers arrived with VB and her daughter Natalia… all the women forming a united front. They sat behind Vanessa during testimony from an internal officer with the Sheriff’s Dept.” 

Vanessa Bryant and Monica. Photo: @vanessabryant/ Instagram

According to TMZ, at any time Vanessa required a break that prompted her to step out of the courtroom, “..both Monica and Ciara went out with her.” 

Photos of the foursome as they walked hand-in-hand reached the internet where fans expressed feelings of appreciation toward Vanessa’s “village.”

Ciara and Monica support Vanessa Bryant at trial over crash site photos of husband Kobe Bryant and daughter Gianna

— Dionne Grant (@DionneGrant) August 23, 2022

“I love the village that stepped up for Vanessa and his family.”

“As real friends should.. So happy she has them in her corner for support and glad she’s allowing them to be there for her.”

Once the photos hit The Shade Room website, many fans didn’t hesitate to notice Monica’s “play no games” appearance as she walked next to Natalia Bryant wearing an all-black professional outfit with shades covering her eyes. 

Monica supported Vanessa Bryant during Monday’s court proceedings over crash site photos. Photo: Twitter/ Screenshot.

“Yes, Goonica is on the case!”

“Monica is looking like the Godfather of Justice! Love you Mo [red heart].”

“Monica looks like she’s ready to shut all this s–t down”

“Monica look like she really don’t play. I love her! Prayers to the Bryant family.”

Vanesa has faced many hardships in the past few years: the tragic death of husband, Kobe, and daughter, Gianna, in 2020, trying to cope with the heartbreaking loss while continuing to raise three daughters, and later becoming traumatized after discovering photos of her loved ones, along with the seven other victims who passed during the plane crash, were being shared among Los Angeles County deputies and firefighters.