Winsome Sears Posts Black History Month Message For ‘All People Of All Colors,’ Because Of Course She Did
Source: Anna Moneymaker / Getty
It should surprise absolutely no one that Virginia’s first Black woman lieutenant governor and resident Republican safe negro Winsome Sears appears to be out here trying to “all lives matter” Black History Month.
On the first day of BHM, Sears tweeted a video message that seemed to be very careful about making sure “all people of all colors” were comfortable instead of just recognizing the month as a celebration by, for and about Blackity-Black people and our historical achievements.
My message to you today #everforward #LG42
— Winsome Earle-Sears (@WinsomeSears) February 1, 2022
“I made history sure, but, you know, the history that we want to make is that which helps people,” Sears said. “So this is Black History Month, we’re going to be highlighting those who have gone before (and) helped us to become the country that we are. All people of all colors and even corporations have been part of making us better. So please look for that and let’s be kind and loving and all of that.” Then she added something about how “This is our government of the people by the people and for the people.”
*heavy sigh*
Somebody, please inform Lt. Blacky-lackey that BHM isn’t about America—it’s about Black people. It’s not about how “people of all colors and even corporations” (Seriously? Corporations?) made America “better”—it’s about Black people. Everything doesn’t need to be morphed into a narrative about American exceptionalism (which is already a concept supported by half-truths and whitewashing). It’s OK for things to be about what they were always meant to be about—in this case, Black people.
It’s also funny how, in a message about BHM, Winsome seamlessly brushed aside her own making of Black history in favor of a vague, non-descript history that “helps people.”
But again, nothing about this is surprising coming from someone who has played her white-friendly conservative role in denouncing critical race theory without demonstrating a clear knowledge of what CRT even is and acting as a sunken place Robin to Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s Batman in his own racist AF war against CRT.
In short: Winsome couldn’t even say a simple “Happy Black History Month” without making sure white people were comfortable.
That’s not being “kind and loving”—it’s being a puppet for white fragility at the expense of Black people.
Virginia’s New Republican Black Woman Lieutenant Governor And The Era Of The ‘Safe Negro’
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