Box office titan Will Smith has emerged in public for the first time since the Oscars, spotted in a far and exotic land. Photographs and some video footage have surfaced of the West Philadelphia native at an airport almost 10,000 miles away from his Calabasas, California, home.

According to the Economic Times (India Edition), Smith, 53, touched down in Mumbai, India, on the morning of Saturday, April 23, wearing nothing but that Hollywood gold smile, a classic white T-shirt, and charcoal shorts over white joggers.

Cellphone video shows fans giving the award-winning-rapper-turned-award-winning-actor love, calling his name as they celebrate his visit. In turn, he is seen greeting his hosts with warm and generous banter, pictures, and a few hugs followed by selfies.

This trip, though it is unclear the nature, is a return for the father of three.

In 2019, he shot his reality show “The Bucket List” in the nation that proudly boasts 119 billionaires and a thriving film industry.

The country is more than just a beautiful place Smith likes to visit but has been a spiritual oasis. The Economic Times reported that during his last trip (at the beginning of the global pandemic), he went to sacred Hindu city of Haridwar and met with a guru that helped him unpack the “truth of the world,” lessons that helped open him up to write him his very revealing memoir “Will.”

He posted images on his social media regarding this awakening, captioning, “My Grandmother used to say, “God Teaches through Experience”. Traveling to India & Experiencing the colors, people and natural beauty has awakened a new understanding of myself, my Art & the Truths of the world.”

Photographs reveal over his white T-shirt, the “King Richard” actor is seen wearing a religious necklace and traveling with a monk.

The reprieve comes a month after Smith lost his cool, slapped, and cursed out comedian Chris Rock for making an off-the-cuff joke about his wife, actress Jada Pinkett Smith’s buzz cut. The Brooklyn native likened the “Jason’s Lyric” beauty to the popular movie, G.I. Jane — teasing her for being bald.

Pinkett Smith’s first public appearance after the incident was at the grand opening of the Shonda Rhimes Performing Arts Center in Los Angeles.

Since the assault, Will Smith has been highly scrutinized for his inappropriate behavior, prompting him to resign from the Academy of Motion Picture of Arts and Sciences, stating he “willfully” accepts “any and all consequences” associated with his conduct.

The Academy has since banned him for 10 years.