Why Black People Should Care About The Jan. 6 Hearings
Source: Xinhua News Agency / Getty
The House committee in charge of investigating the Jan 6. attack on the U.S. Capitol will take their hearing to prime time television Thursday night in an attempt to show the world how close America came to losing its democracy.
According to officials, the hearing will include never before seen video, new audio, and tons of new evidence that reveals how destructive and deadly the mob that took over the Capitol had become. The hearing is also expected to open with eyewitness testimony from the first police officer who was attacked during the riot, as well as footage from a documentary filmmaker who recorded much of the incident.
Donald Trump and his family will also be the center of attention during the hearing. The committee is expected to show how Trump, his aides, and his family members tried to overturn Joe Biden’s election victory while putting America’s democracy at serious risk.
Rep. Elaine Luria, who is a member of the Jan 6 committee, believes the prime time hearing is exactly what the American people need.
“Putting it all together in one place and one coherent narrative, I think, will help the American people understand better what happened on January 6th — and the threats that could potentially pose in the future,” said Luria in an interview with The Associated Press. “When you hear and understand the wide-reaching conspiracy and the effort to try to corrupt every lever and agency of government involved in this, you know, the hair on the back of your neck should stand up,” she said.
Source: Kent Nishimura / Getty
Why should Black people care?
If you’re Black in America, it’s hard not to see the Jan 6 attack on the Capitol as a white people’s problem, but this is far from the truth. Here are a few reasons why Black people should care about the Jan. 6 hearing.
Fight against racism and hate
Believe it or not, this is a fight against racism and hate. The folks who rioted on Jan 6 in the name of Trump were racists. Multiple U.S. Capitol Police officers have testified that racism and bigotry were the main themes among the rioters.
Capitol Police Officer Harry Dunn testified that when he told the rioters he voted for Joe Biden, the racial slurs began.
“One woman in a pink ‘MAGA’ (Make America Great Again) shirt yelled, ‘You hear that guys, this n——— voted for Joe Biden!’” Dunn told lawmakers during testimony. “Then the crowd, perhaps around 20 people, joined in, screaming “Boo! F——— n—— !” said Dunn. It was the first time he had been called the n-word while in uniform.
The MAGA crowd might claim they are not racists, but their actions prove otherwise. This hearing is a fight against the racist side of America, we can’t let that win.
Democracy is tied to our freedoms
Democracy is directly tied to our freedoms. If we lose it, we are surely doomed to lose those freedoms as well. Domestic extremists and far-right militias have very different ideas about what this country should be and they don’t mind using violence to get there. America is still in the testing phase of democracy and right now we barely have a passing grade. Let’s not fail this test good people.
White privilege needs to have consequences
White privilege is out of control and it needs a good slap on the behind from Mama America.
I remember turning on the television on Jan 6 and seeing a sea of angry white folks upset because millions of Americans voted for Joe Biden. My first thought was, how are they even allowed to get away with this? My second thought was, duh white privilege. Now white privilege is on trial, and being held accountable for a change. If that’s not worth watching, what is?
Source: The Washington Post / Getty
When matters affect the country, they ultimately affect black people as well. We are a part of this machine just like everyone else. When America is under attack, so are we, therefore our participation is crucial in understanding our future.
The Jan 6 prime time hearing with start tonight at 8 p.m. ET, You can watch it on most major news outlets.
The second hearing will be held Monday, June 13th, at 10 a.m. ET.
There could be as many as eight days of hearings before the end of June, and more in September.
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