When Keeping It Real Goes Wrong: Watch Racists Get Dealt With On Video For Being Racist
A man wearing a shirt with swastikas on it is punched by an unidentified member of the crowd near the site of a planned speech by white nationalist Richard Spencer, who popularized the term ‘alt-right’, at the University of Florida campus on October 19, 2017, in Gainesville, Florida. | Source: Brian Blanco / Getty
UPDATED: 5:00 p.m. ET, Nov. 15, 2022
Originally published on April 28, 2019
These are amazingly trying times we’re all living in now, and depending on someone’s nationality or ethnic background, or both, everybody needs to stay on their toes while navigating the world. But things have gotten especially bad in the United States, where overt acts of racism seem to be at a fever pitch since the election of Donald Trump.
That fact has been bolstered and then some by research, studies, polling and other data showing the proliferation of white nationalism and hate crimes based on race in particular. Black Americans were the Number 1 target of hate crimes in the country, a statistic that has been steadily rising in recent years.
But there’s only so much racist abuse people can take before they start fighting back. That point was most recently proven by way of a viral video purportedly recorded on public transportation in Los Angeles, where an Asian man is alleged to have “assaulted multiple black men” before the victims “defended themselves.”
Please be advised the footage is graphic and should be viewed with discretion.
An Asian man assaulted multiple black men in random attacks on the LA metro and they defended themselves. Viewer discretion advised. pic.twitter.com/lakFg0gzYn
— Daily Loud (@DailyLoud) November 14, 2022
To be clear, NewsOne does not condone violence in the least, no matter the circumstances. But we are also realistic and aware that we live in a country that was founded on the bloodiest of violence waged by white colonizers against the brown natives.
The concept of compiling instances where the oppressed fight back against the oppressor is not new. In fact, NewsOne previously published our own running list of so-called BBQ Beckys — white vigilantes who felt it was their duty to use 911 as a weapon to police Black and brown people in America simply living their lives legally and peacefully.
These clips go well beyond that idea and include video footage showing people being blatantly racist while recklessly throwing around the N-word as if there were no consequences for such language.
These video clips also prove that there is indeed a price to pay (physically, at least) for wielding racist and ethnic slurs at the wrong people. And those who come collecting aren’t always Black or brown.
Scroll down to see a handful of amazing instances of racist hatred backfiring to violent proportions. Hopefully, these videos can serve as messages of precaution to anybody who thinks calling people racist slurs to their faces (or even behind their backs) will result in anything other than a swift beatdown.
— Timsomor (#B1 #FBA #BlackSelfRespect Not-Adunce) (@Timsomor) April 24, 2019
— Timsomor (#B1 #FBA #BlackSelfRespect Not-Adunce) (@Timsomor) April 24, 2019
“Move Mojito” who remember this one! pic.twitter.com/ytdskhwVZH
— Timsomor (#B1 #FBA #BlackSelfRespect Not-Adunce) (@Timsomor) April 24, 2019
— Timsomor (#B1 #FBA #BlackSelfRespect Not-Adunce) (@Timsomor) April 24, 2019
You want it to be one way… but it’s the other way pic.twitter.com/Oa3XF5Wclc
— ManSitChoAzzDown (@AngryManTV) March 18, 2018
Racist in #Chicago drops the n-bomb on brotha minding his business and catches the Blue Line to FadeTown. #TrumpsAmerica #Resist #3rdRailFade #Nah #PunchANazi2018 pic.twitter.com/vFuc9n3a42
— AggreDello (@theori) July 13, 2018
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