Kaavia James Union Wade allowed her looks to do the talking in what was themed a “plotting” upload on Thursday, Sept. 9.

The initial post’s premise was seemingly inspired by one of Kaavia James’ poses. In the photo, captioned,”I rock ruff and stuff with my afro puffs!!! I’m cutest when I’m plotting,” the 2-year-old is seen sitting down outside with both hands placed on her face as she looks away in the distance.

Kaavia James Union Wade convinces fans with her latest post that she is plotting something. Photo:@kaaviajames/Instagram

In addition to the caption, whoever was running the toddler’s page at the time wanted to keep the theme going by placing a similar location tag that read: “Thinking about a little bit of everything.” As people viewed Kaavia James’ post, many of them agreed that she appeared to be “plotting.” One even jokingly suggested to act cute in order to disguise her plans.

“That face says I’m thinking of a ‘Master plan.’ ”

“ What’s on ur shady mind.”

“Omg that face! My shadybaby is up to something .”

“Don’t let them know what you’re up too.. lay on the cuteness ”

“Looks like she is plotting something big and good .”

Among the “plotting” remarks a couple of individuals disclosed how much personality Kaavia James has gained over the years. One wrote, “Lord if she’s not the cutest! All that personality .” Another said, “She is so much more comfortable in photos. I am happy for her! She is her whole self and growing beautifully. .”

The toddler’s personality was apparent in August after an upset Kaavia James was forced to virtually greet her parents Gabrielle Union and Dwyane Wade during their vacation. In the TikTok video, Kaavia James is scowling at an unidentified cameraperson while being instructed to say “hi” to them. The person said, “Say hi to Mom and Dad. They can’t hear you,” with Kaavia James then responding, “Hi.”

As the video continued, the unnamed person asked why Kaavia James was mad. Her response was “I say hi.” Toward the end, when told to send her parents a virtual kiss the proclaimed Shady Baby followed that command with a twist by smacking her lips in between each action.