This week on the ‘What’s In it For Us?’ podcast, Dr. Christina Greer and Dr. Jason Johnson examine the inauguration of Joe Biden as the 46th president

This week on the What’s In it For Us? podcast, Dr. Christina Greer and Dr. Jason Johnson examine the inauguration of Joe Biden as the 46th president and Kamala Harris as the 49th vice president of the U.S. and Biden-Harris’ COVID-19 plan. And lastly, where do the white supremacists go from here?

From celebrating Martin Luther King Jr. Day to the presidential inauguration, the white hypocrisy of Republicans baffles Dr. Johnson and Dr. Greer. Many people, including Dr. Johnson, logged off their timelines on MLK Day because “gaslighting” Black history is not it. 

Read More: ‘What’s In It For Us?’ podcast tackles Capitol riots, coronavirus vaccine

“For me, it’s not a peaceful transition of power. The sitting president is not attending the inauguration of the incoming president. That is highly worrisome,” remarks Dr. Greer.

On the note of Black history, Greer and Johnson look back at the memory of Kobe Bryant with the outstanding potential he had left in his career. Greer notes that Bryant’s life “changed the public discourse” for Black people, from his investment in the WNBA to his work in film. The What’s In It For Us? podcast sends their love and condolences to the Byrant family, wishing them love and blessings on the upcoming anniversary of his passing. 

“I had a feeling Kobe Bryant was already on the path to doing philanthropic things,” says Johnson. 

Circling back to politics, Greer is excited for the inauguration, but recognizes the threats to Biden and Harris are real. Hence, she recommended scaling down the event, so that the new president and vice president can get to work. Johnson is just happy “we don’t have to talk about Donald Trump” anymore. 

“It does mean something that we’re on a new path,” Greer says to Johnson.

Read More: ‘What’s In It For Us?’ podcast unpacks Biden’s first round of cabinet picks

From elders, essential workers, and inmates needing the vaccine to a recent case that has surfaced of a Wisconsin pharmacist destroying the vaccine on purpose, Biden’s got a lot of work to do with the legitimate concerns and rights of the American people. 

“So much time has been lost because of how much mismanagement that happened last year,” says Johnson. 

Stay tuned to What’s In It For Us. The funny, politically edgy Black commentary podcast. 

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