The shooting of a Kansas City, Missouri, teenager has sparked national outrage and raised questions about the safety of Black youth and their ability to live freely in America without automatically being categorized as a threat.

Ralph Yarl, 16, was reportedly shot twice by a white resident after he rang the wrong doorbell on Thursday, April 13. He is currently in critical condition after suffering gunshot wounds to his arm and head, according to his attorneys. However, no one has been charged with a crime, and police have not identified the resident or his race.

“There can be no excuse for the release of this armed and dangerous suspect after admitting to shooting an unarmed, non-threatening and defenseless teenager that rang his doorbell! We demand swift action from Clay County prosecutors and law enforcement to identify, arrest and prosecute to the full extent of the law the man responsible for this horrendous and unjustifiable shooting,” wrote attorneys Benjamin Crump and Lee Merritt in a statement.

Ralph Yarl, 16, is in critical condition after being shot by a Kansas City, Missouri, homeowner on April 13, 2023. (Photo: GoFundMe)

Who is Ralph Yarl?

A GoFundMe started by a woman who identified herself as Ralph’s aunt, Dr. Faith Spoonmore describes the teen as a “fantastic kid.”

He is a member of the Technology Student Association and Science Olympia Team, who also engulfed himself in music. Spoonmore said Ralph is the section leader of his school’s marching band and one of the top bass clarinet players in Missouri. He recently earned Missouri All-State Band recognition with an honorable mention, according to his aunt.

“Ralph can often be found with a musical instrument. He loves them all,” she wrote.

The 16-year-old is looking forward to graduating high school. He plans to visit West Africa before taking up chemical engineering at Texas A&M University.

“When asked how he plans to get into this university, he said, “Well, if they have a scholarship for music or academics, I know I can get it,’” Spoonmore recalled, who is Ghanaian American.

What Happened the Evening Ralph Yarl Was Shot?

Yarl was shot by an unidentified white man after mistakenly arriving at the wrong address to pick up his younger twin brothers, his aunt says. He rang the doorbell at 1100 block of Northeast 115th Street instead of 1100 block of Northeast 115th Terrace, one block away, reports show.

Spoonmore said the homeowner “looked him in the face and shot him.”

“This man intended to kill an innocent child simply because he rang the doorbell of the wrong house,” she said in an Instagram video.

Spoonmore said the teen ran to three other doors before being able to get help from a neighbor.

Kansas City Police say officers responded to a call about a shooting around 10 p.m. and arrived to find Ralph injured outside a residence.

The homeowner was taken into custody and held for 24 hours before being released.

Police Chief Stacey Graves said in a press conference that state law only allows authorities to hold a person suspected of a felony for 24 hours until charges are filed. Graves said investigators need to gather more forensic evidence and obtain a victim statement to move the case forward.

“As soon as the case is complete, it will be presented to the Clay County prosecutor for their review,” the chief said.

Reaction to Ralph Yarl’s Shooting

Dozens of protesters held a demonstration Sunday outside of the home of the man accused of firing at Ralph Thursday evening. Many in the Black community believe the shooting was racially motivated.

“When Black lives are under attack, what do we do?” asked a woman leading the crowd holding signs in front of the home.

“Stand up and fight back,” the crowd responds.

“Stand up!” The woman shouts.

“Fight back,” the crowd replies.

The shooting has also gotten national attention with Spoonmore’s online fundraiser for Ralph securing more than $1 million in donations by Monday morning.

A number of Black celebrities have also posted photos of the boy expressing their outrage and urging followers to pressure local prosecutors to file charges.

“This innocent child is now fighting for his life. This could be your child. This should NOT happen,” wrote award-winning actress Halle Berry on her Twitter page with more than 830,000 followers.

His name is #RalphYarl and I’m sick and tired of this feeling…my heart completely broke when I learned this precious 16-year-old, who accidentally rang the door of the wrong address in an attempt to pick up his siblings, was shot in the head… (1/3)

— Halle Berry (@halleberry) April 17, 2023

“Sadden and sick to my stomach, when will this STOP,” wrote supermodel Naomi Campbell on her Instagram page in the caption with a photo of Ralph, shared with nearly 15 million followers.

The photo and message urging followers to call Clay County prosecuting attorney Zachary Thompson were also shared by D.L. Hughley, Viola Davis, Anthony Hamilton, Keke Palmer, Sherri Shepherd and Damon Idris, among others.

Thompson released a statement on Monday saying that his office had “not yet received a criminal referral from the Kansas City Police Department regarding this case.

“We are actively working with law enforcement in an attempt to speed up that process,” he said.

The attorneys acting on Ralph’s behalf have launched an independent investigation into the shooting and plan to meet with local, state and federal prosecutors “to ensure accountability.”