Malia Obama has started working on her first real job after graduating from Harvard, scoring one of the hottest positions in the industry.

According to Vanity Fair, the graduate will be a writer on the new Donald Glover Amazon series tentatively titled “Hive.” Glover said he was impressed by her writing skills, ability to communicate her vision clearly, and her work ethic.

“She’s just like, an amazingly talented person,” said Glover. “She’s really focused, and she’s working really hard.”

“I feel like she’s just somebody who’s gonna have really good things coming soon,” he said. “Her writing style is great.”

The show is said to be centered around a “Beyoncé-type character,” and was created by Janine Nabers. Obama is not the sole writer but will work alongside Stephen Glover, Donald’s younger brother who is also the show’s executive producer.

Stephen said, “Donald always says perspective is important, and people with different perspectives are important for a writers room. And for sure, she definitely has a unique perspective on everything.” 

“So, we wanted to hear her stories and have her work with us,” the brother continued. “Listening to her stories and having her involved really gave us a lot of good ideas.”

They also joked about tiptoeing around rejecting her ideas in writing sessions, if they are bad. Stephen joked, “Well, you know, we just hurt her feelings. We can’t be easy on her just because she’s the [former] president’s daughter.” 

“Nah, she’s very down to earth, and cool,” he explained. “So, it’s not a problem at all. She has a lot of good ideas. She’s great. She’s just a regular person like everybody else.”

This is not her first Hollywood job. 

She has worked on a few sets like Halle Berry’s 2014 “Extant,” HBO’s “Girls” in 2015, and in 2017, she also worked at the Weinstein Company. 

At 23, like Donald, who got his first writers room break at the same age when Tina Fey hired him to work on the hit show “30 Rock,” she brings to the job a pretty strong list of credentials and her bosses are confident she will do well.