Source: ROBYN BECK / GettyVideffff

In one of the most glaring “Karen” moments in recent memory, a passenger on an airplane was shown on video trying to whitesplain his way out of trouble when police officers were dispatched to remove him from a flight after he was accused of throwing a fit because he was allegedly denied a cocktail before takeoff.

The end result was the passenger being dragged off the plane while sobbing before the cops handcuffed him and likely sent him to jail.

The more than five-minute-long video has since gone viral on social media after the unidentified man had to be dragged from his seat before getting handcuffed and arrested in the jetway between the plane and the terminal.

While it’s unclear where the madness unfolded, the airline has been identified as American Airlines.

The video opens with several police officers standing over the seated passenger in what appears to be first-class seating informing him they were well beyond the point of trying to understand what was happening to him and that it was time for him to leave the plane.

“We’re not going to go back and forth,” one officer said before adding: “Now it’s time to talk to the police.”

Another officer commanded: “Get up out the seat!”

But the passenger, still apparently believing that there was still a chance to successfully negotiate before one of the officers tells him the pilot has requested the passenger’s removal from the plane “multiple times.”

When the passenger asked “respectfully” what crime he was suspected of committing, an officer fired back: “You’re not being respectful!”

The video was filmed from the front of the plane, suggesting that an airline employee recorded the footage.

When an officer threatens to deboard the entire plane if the passenger doesn’t leave on his own accord, other passengers help the officers identify the man’s luggage to be removed.

Despite seeing his personal belongings removed from the plane, the passenger decides to still try to bargain his way out of the clear and impending trouble he found himself in.

Other passengers can be seen and heard imploring the man to “Get off the plane!”

When one of the officers tells the man, “You’re not listening,” he cautioned with a warning: “We’re trying to be civil with you.”

But the passenger was adamant about staying on board, even though his luggage had already been removed from the plane.

When one officer is shown speaking into a radio asking for “additional units” on the plane, it is woefully apparent that this is the start of the ending for the man, who is shown using his phone to record the interaction.

More members of law enforcement and apparent airline personnel join the officers before one person takes the man’s phone.

As the passenger claims an officer “stole” his phone — “that’s illegal!” — the officers forcefully grab at him and literally take matters into their own hands and remove him from the plane.

As he’s shown being pushed down the aisle, the man starts apparently sobbing for the officers to “stop.”

The man’s wails get louder even though he’s no longer in the view of the camera.

One of the officers can be heard responding: “Too late now!”

That’s when the person recording followed the officers out to the jetway to show officers handfuffing the now-former passenger.

Watch the wildness unfold below.

Man gets Forcibly removed from a flight after being refused a Pre-Fight Gin and Tonic…

— Southland Post (@SouthlandPost) April 7, 2023

And to think this all happened over an unfulfilled request for a gin and tonic.

According to the travel blog, A View From The Wing, American Airlines has in recent years been “convincing flight attendants to offer predeparture beverages.”

However, Conde Naste Traveler reported last year at the same time American Airlines flight attendants have been asked to enforce a two-cocktail limit from passengers in the economy section.


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The post Video Shows Whitesplaining Passenger Sobbing While Cops Kick Him Off Plane Over Pre-Flight Cocktail appeared first on NewsOne.