Source: KSAT 12 / Radio One Digital

Detective David Pantoja of the San Antonio Police department was suspended for 20 days for dragging a handcuffed man down the street after arresting him. The incident happened on Jan 30 at 3pm on the 7300 blocks of Trail Crossing area in San Antonio, Texas.

Investigators said Pantoja and Robert Ferguson handcuffed Joshua Coney then “unnecessarily dragged” him while he pleaded for medical assistance.

Pantoja also issued Coney a citation for failure to ID during the incident, which according to officials in not a citadel offense.

Investigators believe Pantoja didn’t understand the laws and ordinances where he was trying to enforce.

The officers claim they dragged Coney down the street because he attempted to place both of his legs under the rear of Pantoja’s patrol car to pretend as though he had been run over by the police vehicle. They also claimed they had to drag the man because he “made his body go limp.”

A video of the incident was published on YouTube by KSAT 12 on September 16. It shows both officers dragging the man down the street by his arms, while his feet dangled behind him.

Pantoja, who has worked for the SAPD since 1996, objected to the suspension at first but eventually agreed to all disciplinary action. Officer Ferguson was also suspended for six days for his involvement in the incident.

This is not the first incident when officer Pantoja’s judgment was questioned. On July 9, he sent emails from his personal email account to reporters at KSAT 12 after two journalists were shown while reporting on a story about a man in a standoff with San Antonio police. In the email, he told journalists to think of the officers who took place in the standoff. The email sparked a formal complaint from the reporter who asked if this was the first time Pantoja sent emails to victims of other violent crimes. Officials stated Pantoja was disciplined by his superior officer.

Check out the video of David Pantoja and Robert Ferguson dragging Joshua Coney. Were officers wrong for how they handled Coney? Could they have handled this situation differently?  Also, do you believe a 20 day suspension was enough?


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