Video Shows Suspected White Supremacist Testify That Michigan Gun Laws Should Only Be For [N-Words]

Source: X screenshot
In today’s episode of Wait, Trump Supporters Aren’t Racist, Are They? a white man from Detroit who was testifying at the Michigan Senate proved in just a few sentences that he’s a MAGA loyalist, an illogical gun nut and such a loud and proud white supremacist that even Republican legislators were like: “Wooooah! Who let the Klan in the building?”
There’s nothing particularly special about Rachlin. He’s just another aggrieved white man with a MAGA-sized persecution complex who thinks systemic racism is happening to white people because — *check notes* — laws are being proposed that would ban guns from the state Capitol.
For some reason — well, we know the reason — Rachlin couldn’t make his point about why he thinks weapons designed to kill should be brought into the government building where legislation happens without bringing Black people who were somewhere minding their own business into it. Furthermore, he couldn’t bring Black people into it without calling us the N-word — on the SENATE FLOOR!
From WLNS 6:
“If you want to address gun violence, you would be focusing on the people who bring guns into communities and shoot people like where I live in Detroit and where you represent, Stephanie Chang…” Rachlin said. He then said that these people are “overwhelmingly” Black, calling them the N-word.
Sen. Stephanie Chang (D-3), Committee on Civil Rights, Judiciary, and Public Safety where Rachlin was testifying, signaled his testimony was over shortly thereafter, and that the meeting would move on.
“I’m testifying,” Rachlin said. “I’m not timed out.”
“Yep, and I am the Chair and I have gaveled you down” replied Chang. “Are there any questions from committee members?”
Rachlin was testifying representing “Groypers of America,” with “Groypers” referring to a loose network of white supremacists. He was testifying against the passage of SB 857 and SB 858, which would ban firearms from the state Capitol and legislators’ offices, with exceptions for law enforcement. The Capitol has been under a near-total firearm ban since 2023.
“With respect to what this legislation and who it targets, let’s be very clear this is legislation that targets white people,” said Rachlin. “It is racial because the people who carry in the Capitol are primarily white people who have [Concealed Pistol Licenses] are primarily white and this is retaliation for the only demographic that overwhelmingly voted to support Donald Trump and that is why it is being taken out on us because you don’t like us and that’s how it is.”
Bruh — these white people are crazy.
Setting aside that there is no conceivable reason why anyone would need to bring firearms into a state Capitol building, when a white man finds himself arguing against the legislation and the first thought that comes to mind is essentially, “GO AFTER THE N*****RS, NOT ME,” it has become clear that not only is that white man a white supremacist, but he has made being a white supremacist his entire personality.
Of course, it is completely unsurprising that this white supremacist — who was representing the group founded by fellow white supremacist Nick Fuentes — is a MAGA minion who thinks MAGA minions are experiencing anti-MAGA Jim Crow just over a week after his Grand Wizard MAGA messiah was elected to the highest office in the nation.
Again, Rachlin’s racism was so vile that even Republican officials — the people who have stood behind arguably the most outwardly bigoted president in modern history — pushed back on his entire ridiculous and factless narrative.
“The idea that this is aimed at white people, I know so many different groups from minority communities that are armed, that carry concealed, it’s just a ridiculous argument,” said Minority Vice Chair state Sen. Jim Runestad (R-23).
“The term that you used is inappropriate and it will not get you anywhere in this legislature,” said state Sen. Ruth A. Johnson, (R-24). (I mean, you can still tell they’re conservatives through their refusal to use the word “racist” rather than softer words like “inappropriate,” but whatever, at least these Republicans have some semblance of good sense.)
Another unsurprising thing about Rachlin is that, just under three years ago, there was a petition circulating around Penn State, where he was a student, to expel him from the school for being a “violent misogynist, homophobic, white supremacist” who creates a “dangerous environment” at the university. The petition, which received more than 600 signatures, claimed that during the “Student-Faculty Rally to Vaccinate Penn State” event in August 2022, Rachlin interrupted a group of protestors and showed “physically aggressive behavior” toward them. He also allegedly said he wanted to “shoot up a school,” sent pornographic images to minors, and attacked students and faculty with racial slurs on social media.
So, just to recap, Avi Rachlin is a Trump supporter, racist, misogynist, homophobe, gun nut, and an anti-vaxxer with alleged pedophile tendencies who thinks guns are safe as long as white people are carrying them but also allegedly wanted to “shoot up a school.” It’s like he was going for some kind of MAGA Bingo card and was determined not to fall short.
Here’s Rachlin in June, when he was still dog whistling (as opposed to bringing out his big, N-word-spewing bullhorn) about Black people being the only gun owners gun laws should go after.
“If you’re a responsible, peaceable gun owner, you don’t need the government shoving down your throat. What you need to be doing, and it is indicated by the fact that a convicted felon who’s going to possess a firearm, is really not going to care about a new safe storage law,” Rachlin said. “It’s about the who. It’s about the why. It’s about the where. Right? It’s all about those questions. It’s not about ‘there’s a problem in Detroit, so we’re just going to ban assault weapons for everybody in the Upper Peninsula.’”
One can only wonder if when Rachlin said a “convicted felon” shouldn’t be able to own a gun, he was including his president of choice in that sentiment.
Nah — we don’t have to wonder about that.
Republican legislators in Michigan can act flustered by his use of racial slurs all they want, but the truth is that Avi Rachlin is Donald Trump’s America. Racist and perpetually aggrieved white men are exactly who Trump vowed to fight for. Exactly.