Kyle Rittenhouse pretends to become emotional describing events leading up to him shooting Joseph Rosenbaum to death as he testifies during his trial at the Kenosha County Courthouse on November 10, 2021, in Kenosha, Wisconsin. | Source: Pool / Getty

Kenosha killer Kyle Rittenhouse would do well to understand that nobody likes him outside of the bowels of the white nationalist MAGA world. If the teen shooter who got away with killing two people and injuring a third during civil unrest in Wisconsin, he might want to stick to following the breadcrumbs to Trump rallies, KKK cookouts and neo-Nazi luncheons instead of, say, a college campus in a predominately Black city.

WTF were Rittenhouse and Turning Point USA even thinking about when they decided to take their Bigots & Bullets Barnyard Hoedown to Memphis? (That’s not what the event was called, but only because they never consult me for things like this.)

On Wednesday, Rittenhouse hit the stage at the University of Memphis after he was invited to speak by the college’s Turning Point USA chapter. The 21-year-old must have thought it would be a safe space. After all, if the school even has a chapter of the whiney white grievance support group, it must have a welcoming student body, right?


First of all, hundreds of students at the university gathered in protest ahead of the event, which should have been Rittenhouse’s first clue that he’d be about as popular there as he would be at a protest against gun violence, weaponized white tears and cop haircuts.

Anyway, video footage from the appearance has been floating around the interwebs and it shows Rittenhouse being confronted with questions about Turning Point’s founder, Charlie Kirk, and his history of being a loud and proud anti-Black bigot.

Kyle Rittenhouse was murdered tonight in

— Scottacular (@Scottcrates) March 21, 2024

“Charlie Kirk has said a lot of racist things,” a student said to Rittenhouse, who smugly responded, “What racist things has Charlie Kirk said? We’re gonna have a little bit of a dialogue of what racist things that Charlie Kirk said.”

But Rittenhouse clearly didn’t want to have that “dialogue,” likely because truthful discussions on racism are basically KKKryptonite to the chronically white and fragile.

“He says that we shouldn’t celebrate Juneteenth, we shouldn’t celebrate Martin Luther King day—we should be working those days—he called Ketanji Brown Jackson an affirmative action hire, he said all this nonsense about George Floyd, and he said he’d be scared if a Black pilot was on a plane,” the student said. “Does that not seem racist?”

The student could’ve kept going if time wasn’t an issue. They could have mentioned the time Kirk suggested that Black people prefer “gang banging” to supporting Donald Trump, which he did after joining other white conservatives in suggesting that Trump’s mugshot and criminal indictments would increase his support among Black people. (So, basically, we’re thugs if we do and thugs if we don’t.) They could have brought up Kirk’s racist and absurd remarks about the Central Park 5, or the fact that while he was on his campaign to disparage and denounce the legacy of MLK, he also erroneously tried to rewrite Black history by suggesting that segregation was limited to “a couple states and a couple jurisdictions,” as opposed to the more than a dozen southern states that had Jim Crow laws and Black Codes on the books, and the myriad of northern states that also practiced segregation.

Of course, none of those examples being shared would have mattered, because Rittenhouse’s lame response would have been the same.

“I don’t know anything about that,” he said.

“Does that seem racist is a yes or no question, Kyle,” one attendee yelled from the crowd.

“Well, after all the things I just told you, would you consider that hate speech,” the first student asked Rittenhouse.

“I’m not gonna comment on that,” Rittenhouse said, prompting more jeers from the audience.

So, Rittenhouse asked for the discussion, announced to his audience that they were going to have the discussion, and then he promptly dismissed it all once he figured out that discussion was actually going to have substance to it. After the contentious back and forth, Rittenhouse abruptly left the venue like a frightened child who had just been asked to think critically for the first time in his life.

Proud to have been associated with the group protesting Kyle rittenhouse at the university of Memphis. A huge success in getting him to walk out in the middle of our questioning.

— laurel (@laurel_jnf) March 21, 2024

Of course, Rittenhouse found he wasn’t any more welcome outside the venue than he was inside.

Outside, protesters were still gathered and they rushed towards the crying Kenosha killer as he and his people made their exit. White right-wingers framed that part of the event as  a mob of Black Lives Matter protesters who security had to stop from inflicting violence on Rittenhouse, despite the fact that it wasn’t a BLM event and there was zero evidence that any of them were affiliated with a BLM organization. Also, despite the fact that there were plenty of white people among the “mob,” white conservatives were asking why Black people even care about what Rittenhouse did when none of the people he killed were Black. (So, they went from “All lives matter” to wondering why Black people are concerned about all lives.)

BLM mob charges at people leaving the Kyle Rittenhouse event at the University of Memphis before blocking them from leaving in the parking garage.

— D. Scott @eclipsethis2003 (@eclipsethis2003) March 21, 2024

Pandemonium at university of Memphis. At some Kyle Rittenhouse event. Why does BLM have beef with Kyle Rittenhouse? the dudes he sh°t weren’t black so why do they care? hell one of the dudes is even on video screaming the n word earlier that night

— Adam (@adam_antill) March 21, 2024

BLM agitators swarm U of Memphis TOUS Kyle Rittenhouse event, chant ‘lock his a** up’

— Piyush Mittal (@piyushmittal) March 21, 2024

: Chaos breaks out at the University of Memphis after BLM protesters chased down @TPUSA people who were leaving the Kyle Rittenhouse event. Police had to prevent the hostile crowd from physically attacking them.@FrontlinesTPUSA

— Julio Rosas (@Julio_Rosas11) March 21, 2024

So Kyle Rittenhouse tried it in a bigger town… Dude literally thought a “no comment” about racist hate speech would fly in Memphis?

— Tyrone Dudley (@TheOnlyTyronly) March 21, 2024

Rittenhouse—who denied that he was “booed off stage” and insisted he left so fast because “we did a hard cut-off time and just happened to leave” at that moment during what he called a “great event”—was called out by University of Memphis alumn and former Shelby County Commissioner Tami Sawyer.

“Like the coward he is, Kyle Rittenhouse stormed off stage. I’m proud of the [University] of Memphis students who organized resistance tonight, as well as the Black Student Association, the U of M NAACP, alums, and faculty who spoke out. I am not proud of @uofmemphis administration,” Sawyer tweeted.

Rittenhouse had the unmitigated caucasity to rely to Sawyer’s tweet by asking her, “Hey Tami how come you were [too] much of a coward to ask me any questions?”

Hey Tami how come you were to much of a coward to ask me any questions?

— Kyle Rittenhouse (@ThisIsKyleR) March 21, 2024

Sir, as we all clearly saw, you would have been too cowardly to answer the questions if she had asked.

Anyway, the moral of the story here is every event put on by Turning Point USA, which has been booking Rittenhouse since at least 2021, will not be an event where he will be embraced. And when that event is on the campus of a college that is more than 34% Black in a city that is more than 64% Black—maybe stay your violent white ass at home.


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The post Video Shows Kyle Rittenhouse Booed Off Stage At University Of Memphis After Non-Answer About Racism appeared first on NewsOne.