Video Shows Dave Chappelle’s Attacker Left Grotesquely Disfigured
Source: Kevin Mazur / Getty
A video was going viral on Wednesday for showing grotesque injuries suffered by a man who ran up on stage and attacked Dave Chappelle during a performance in Southern California.
A reported beatdown from the comedian and his security team left Isaiah Lee — who was officially identified by local authorities and charged with felony assault with a deadly weapon — severely disfigured after he tackled Chappelle during a set at the Hollywood Bowl in Los Angeles as part of the “Netflix Is A Joke Fest” on Tuesday night.
Dave Chappelle was attacked while performing at the Hollywood Bowl tonight
Chris Rock came on stage after and said, “Was that Will Smith?”
(via @WashNews)
— Culture Crave (@CultureCrave) May 4, 2022
Here’s how things unfolded, according to ABC 7 Los Angeles:
Witnesses at the show took to social media, saying that the man rushed the stage and tackled Chappelle.
According to ABC News, Chappelle and the man tussled on the stage floor before the man ran away behind a screen on stage. Security staff surrounded and tackled the man in the rear corner of the stage.
Chappelle appeared to run toward the altercation, saying the man was being “stomped.” Chappelle asked repeatedly for security to remove the man from stage.
Los Angeles police confirmed to Eyewitness News that they responded to an incident at the Hollywood Bowl around 10:45 p.m. and a man who was reportedly armed with a gun and a knife was taken into custody. The man has not been identified.
OK, so now that we know what happened, we have got to talk about the Twitter aftermath, because it’s an even all by itself.
You see, every time anything major happens in the world of celebrities, Twitter splinters off into Twitter factions. Usually, it divides into Black Twitter, probably white Twitter and “I just really don’t f**k with *enter relevant celebrity here*” Twitter. And that’s pretty much what happened concerning Dave and his unfortunate attacker who, by all accounts, f**cked around and found out that tackling Chappelle wasn’t in his best interest.
A viral video clip showed Lee appearing to have sustained a major injury to one of his arms, which looked like it had been severely maneuvered out of place.
Someone attacked Dave Chappelle at his show and his security team left that man looking like Mojo JoJo.
— NUFF (@nuffsaidny) May 4, 2022
If you attack @DaveChappelle on stage at the Hollywood bowl his people will bring you back stage and whoop your ass. And then Dave himself will come back and stomp you personally. That shit was crazy. #DaveChappelle #hollywoodbowl
— Johnny (@JonnyLaVallee) May 4, 2022
And boooooy, did Black Twitter have jokes for Lee and his failed attack.
This how they did the dude that attacked Dave Chappelle
— Luigi Stromboli (@J_Squit) May 4, 2022
Dave Chappelle had that nigga backstage like:
— jeremy (@damnitjeremyy) May 4, 2022
Dude who attacked Dave Chappelle really ended his night looking like this
— Chrisimmons03 (@chrisimmons03) May 4, 2022
Dave Chappelle and his security beating dude legs back stage
— Brock Landers (@theMEZ9) May 4, 2022
Dis how Dave Chappelle and his security was whooping buddy:
— Mark (@iBeen__Fly) May 4, 2022
Some dude tackled Dave Chappelle and the next thing he seen was Jamie Foxx, Busta Rhymes, and Mos Def stomping him out. Lmao this was the greatest night of Comedy.
— Young Dinosaur (@NhiBeonit) May 4, 2022
So, yeah, Black Twitter kept it light and low-key hilarious—because sometimes you just gotta laugh at the craziness.
But then here comes wet blanket Twitter—a mixture of probably white Twitter, “free speech” Twitter and “this is all Will Smith‘s fault” Twitter—to rain on everyone’s parade and get all serious over the incident.
The Left believe their violence is justifiable constitutionally protected speech because “hate speech” is violence, and they have a right to not be offended.
Thankfully, Dave Chappelle wasn’t injured.
— Matthew Kolken (@mkolken) May 4, 2022
Genuinely speechless with the Dave Chappelle situation.
Really tired of seeing comedy becoming such a risky job because people can’t take jokes, in a place where jokes are being told.
For the love of god, can we please just let comedians be comedians
— ethan (@ethanscheiding) May 4, 2022
Apparently, there is one rule for the man that attacked Dave Chappelle and another for Will Smith
— Julie (@juliemaclean01) May 4, 2022
We can’t have comedians like Dave Chappelle worried about being assaulted on stage simply because he make jokes you never had to listen to in the first place.
— Dr. Willie J. Montague (@RepMontague) May 4, 2022
Those who suggest the Will Smith incident couldn’t possibly influence similar behavior are total morons – no way…oh, Dave Chappelle…
— Coop (@ClownPopper) May 4, 2022
If you can’t take a joke, then leave the venue. Not everyone has time to pacify your wokeness. The idiot that jumped Dave Chappelle forgot that celebrity or not, black is black and these guys all came from the hood.
Nobody will ever jump Chappelle again. Go and cry on Twitter
— Sir Dickson (@Wizarab10) May 4, 2022
First of all, I’m not sure why all these people are jumping to the conclusion that this man ran up on Dave over a joke he didn’t like. We don’t know what his motive was. Maybe he just really wanted a legitimate Chappelle’s Show season three and was salty enough that he never got one that he tried to sack his favorite comedian over it. Remeber the white guy who managed to get himself punched by Mike Tyson because he just wouldn’t stop f**king with him? Remember the guy who drop-kicked Arnold Schwarzenegger? Do you think he was just offended y every Terminator sequel after T2? I’m just saying, sometimes crazy people just do crazy sh**.
But OK, maybe it was about Chappelle’s controversial jokes. But now we got people, mostly white people, trying to put this on Smith, and I just ain’t buying it.
Damn, they really messed up Dave Chappelle’s attacker
— Stream the Vote (@StreamtheVote) May 4, 2022
Of course, white folks going there isn’t terribly surprising, because we all saw how alarmist and fire and brimstone-happy white comedians got after the infamous slap. They were erroneously comparing him to Donald Trump, claiming Will could’ve killed Cris Rock with a slap that didn’t even take him off his feet and, of course, they were whining about Will’s actions making it open-season on physically attacking comedians.
Speaking of Rock, he reportedly took to the stage after the incident and joked, “Was that Will Smith?”—so even he wasn’t above making light of either situation.
Chappelle also reportedly made a joke after it all went down, but his joke caused another Twitter subset to sound off. Apparently, Chappelle quipped that it was a “trans man” who tried to tackle him. Now, obviously, Dave was likely trying to ease the tension with an off the cuff remark, but given the fact that he’s been at odds with the LGBTQ community since the start of his Netflix standup series, he should have known he’d only be further antagonizing a marginalized demographic that just wishes he would STFU.
I’ve continually said I don’t think attacking Dave Chappelle was okay. All I ask is for offhand comments regardless of intent to not punch down on vulnerable communities. This one happens to be one I belong to. I’m muting this thread because it’s late and nothing is gained here
— Älia Meth (@AeliaMeth) May 4, 2022
If you think I’m going to feel sorry for that transphobe Dave Chappelle, please don’t.
The moment security protects him from the attack, he immediately jokes it was a transgender man (it wasn’t) — but it’s clear he will continue to put a target on trans people regardless.
— Ernest Owens (@MrErnestOwens) May 4, 2022
Dave Chappelle used to understand what power was. Now that he’s rich, he’s just like all other rich assholes who thinks nobody should dare question him. His refusal to stop this anti-trans nonsense is what made the man attack him, and well, here’s to more I guess.
— R. Finkinator MD (@TheFinkinator0) May 4, 2022
I wouldn’t include these people under “wet blanket Twitter” because they do have a legitimate gripe. Regardless of what you think about Chappelle’s right to tell anti-trans jokes, at this point, he seems to be going out of his way to be needlessly antagonistic. It’s getting weird and, honestly, the jokes are not funny—they’re well beneath his level of talent.
Anyway, we’ll likely be learning more about Chappelle’s attacker soon, so stay tuned.
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