Twitter Destroys Cam Newton Over Comments About Women
Source: Grant Halverson / Getty
Cam Newton is probably not in the best position to be telling anyone they need to know when to STFU. And yet, here he is showing the world that he has learned nothing from the time he got dragged and lost endorsements over sexist remarks he made to a female reporter in 2017. Now, in 2022, Newton is out here denigrating women—who he essentially says are not women, but “bad b*****”—who “can’t cook,” and “don’t know when to be quiet.”
And now he’s getting cooked on Twitter because he doesn’t know when to be quiet.
NFL quarterback Cam Newton complained about women who “can’t cook” and “don’t know when to be quiet.”
“Now a women for me is, handling your own but knowing how to cater to a man’s needs.”
— Mediaite (@Mediaite) April 11, 2022
“I had a perfect, a perfect example of what a man was in my life by my father. My parents have been together for 36, 37 years now and it’s a beautiful thing,” Newton said during an appearance on the Million Dollaz Worth of Game podcast. “I grew up in a three-parent household. My mom, my father, and my grandmother. And I knew what a woman was. Not a bad b****.”
So, y’all already know that misogynoir and respectability negro-isms are about to pour out of Cam’s mouth, but we also know those big hats he wears aren’t sized to cover a big brain—just a big head. Anyway, Newton was asked to clarify the difference between a bad b**** and a woman.
“A bad b**** is a person who’s just, you know, ‘Girl I’m a bad b***, I’m doing this, I’m doing that.’ I look the part but I don’t act the part,” Newton explained. (Or, at least we’re all pretending that was an explanation.) “There’s a lot of women who are bad b*****. And I say b***** in a way, not to degrade a woman but just to go off the aesthetic of what they deem is a boss chick.”
He then proceeds to degrade the women he’s totally not degrading.
“Now a woman for me is, handling your own but knowing how to cater to a man’s needs. Right? And I think a lot of times when you get that aesthetic of ‘I’m a boss bitch, Imma this, Imma that.’ No baby! But you can’t cook. You don’t know when to be quiet! You don’t know how to allow a man to lead,” Newton said.
Before we get into all the reasons Newton is loud, wrong, and sexist as usual, let’s get into the Twitter responses, many of which were, well, unkind to the NFL star.
Cam Newton is completely disrespectful, what he said is derogatory towards all women. Period. I’m a hardworking yet submissive female, I naturally cater, hardly disagree but when I do I do speak up. Wtf does cooking have to do with anything lol Mr Newton sir can you cook?
— Christinitia (@christinitia91) April 12, 2022
So Cam Newton thinks a real woman should cook and know how to cater to the men in their lives?
I officially take back all the defenses I offered this clown while on the Patriots.
What an idiot.
— Tired. Dad. Writer. (@DaddyFiles) April 12, 2022
Cam Newton thinks all women work for a catering service: cook, know when to be quiet, and let the guy lead. Damn dude. What century do you think we live?
— I. M. Woody (@IMWoody8) April 12, 2022
Women: *Exist*
Cam Newton:
— Guy P. Football (@Guy_P_Football) April 11, 2022
Cam Newton’s dating profile:
Job Status: Unemployed
Likes to wear: outlandish hats and clothes that don’t match. Babushkas a must.
Personality: wet rag cockiness; often disrespectful to others
Seeking a woman who:
talks when spoken to
shuts up on command
no boss bitches
— Playoffs – #stay humble #stay hungry (@duerinll) April 11, 2022
Everyone should learn how to cook. Cooking is not a gender assigned responsibility or obligation. Cam Newton needs to reevaluate some things.
I mean…what woman wants a man that has to be babied and catered to un-needlessly?!
— Charli Huxley (@ImKnotTheOne) April 11, 2022
Cam Newton wants a woman who can cook & knows how to be quiet. NFL teams want a man who knows how to throw the ball, run plays & WIN GAMES. I guess everyone can’t always get what they want! #CamNewton #unemployed #PlentyOfTimeToCookForYourselfNowThatYoureUnemployed
— ReSista Kay (@ReSistaKay) April 11, 2022
Cam Newton is going to have plenty of more time to think about the problem with women not being able to cook or be quiet as the NFL continue to forget about him.
— Aubry Andrews (@AubryAndrews) April 12, 2022
So Cam Newton is dating Instagram models and complaining that they can’t cook and don’t know how to be quiet.
— kind2know1 (@conscious_sis) April 12, 2022
Oh, FFS.
CAN YOU COOK, Cam Newton???! Can YOU cater to a woman’s needs? Bruh, shut up.
— Yuni (@_thefailedjedi) April 12, 2022
Of course, there were also plenty of people defending Cam’s comments, and those people appear to be big mad at his detractors for, well, knowing what century we’re living in.
What did Cam Newton say wrong lol?? Knowing how to cook is a must lol….knowing how to be quiet sometimes and let me lead is also a must lol? i’m confused here lol…
— A faithful Black Man (@DesmondBrown77) April 12, 2022
Cardi B -I don’t cook, I don’t clean, but I got some Wet a** p*ssy. All of media loves it, Women are twerking to it etc Cam Newton- yea you a bad b*tch but can you cook? Can you clean? Are willing to let a man lead? He gets dragged, called a sexist, “How dare he say that!” #irony
— Gregory Bell II (@TheDisciple92) April 12, 2022
Cam Newton, Your Star Cleaner Agree With You!
Some of these women need to Shit The Hell Up and Learn How To Cook!
Cater to your man, let him be the Man and Lead sometimes!
Swallowing A Lil Coffee
— S&B Cleaning Services (Swallow A Lil Coffee) (@SondraShepher15) April 12, 2022
So Cam Newton is wrong for saying he doesn’t like women that can’t cook? Good lord man. He was right. This generation is something different man wtf
— Zoe Papi Bans (@lowkeyzoe954) April 12, 2022
Cam Newton said nothing wrong… I’m so tired of ya’ll condemning other folks options and calling it outdated cause they can’t cook and won’t let a man lead…
— KaTisha LaShay (@katisha_lashay) April 12, 2022
So, here’s what Cam’s defenders are missing…
First, they’re way too focused on the cooking aspect of his remarks. It’s like they’re intentionally ignoring the whole of what Newton had to say and isolating one thing they might be able to form a plausible argument against. (And in terms of critical thinking, they’re failing at that too.) Second, no one ever tells men that, just by virtue of being men, we need to know when to be quiet. That’s some archaic, pre-women suffrage movement, “be seen and not heard” nonsense we should have been let go of.
But overall, the issue with Cam and those who agree with him is simple: All women are women. Cam might be sharing his views under the guise of “preference,” but at the end of the day, he’s made a distinction between women who call themselves bad b**** and carry themselves a certain way and women who adhere to a certain idea of respectability. Black people would easily understand this if it was some white person whitesplaining how good negroes should present themselves. If a white person was explaining the difference between a n****r and a Black person, no amount of them citing their “preference” would change how racist and offensive they were. (And, frankly, even when Black people make that distinction, I can’t help but look at them like they’re tap-dancing sambos looking for white hands to pat them on the head.)
Also, no one has really put together a plausible argument for why, in the 21st century, we still see men as naturally designated leaders of family units and relationships. At this point, it’s clear folks are running with an idea that the fact that a thing always has been is, in and of itself, the reason why it always should be.
Maybe women are just tired of being told when to be quiet by men (and society, for that matter) and they’re tired of being told they’re of lesser value because they don’t adhere to the traditional values imposed on them.
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