Tulsa Public Schools Accreditation Demoted After A ‘Teacher’ Complained About Critical Race Theory
Source: Robert Gauthier / Getty
We are now at a place in the Republican war against critical race theory where all a white teacher or parent has to do is claim CRT whistled at them and let the educational lynchings begin.
According to Fox 23, the Oklahoma State Board of Education voted 4-2 Thursday to demote Tulsa Public Schools’ accreditation status because an “educator” from Memorial High School reported that she was made to watch training videos that got under her skin after cutting through a thick layer of white supremacy ora and now she’s all in her fragile-a** feelings about it. (OK, she didn’t say all that, but that’s probably the gist.)
MORE: The Critical Race Theory Explainer Every White Person Should Read
She claimed she’s a “certified science teacher” who said she was told she “must complete a mandatory set of 3 compliance courses,” the second of which “contains a section that includes statements that specifically shame white people for past offenses in history, and state that all are implicitly racially biased by nature.”
Even if this is true—which it likely isn’t—everyone who has done even rudimentary research on what CRT knows that it doesn’t teach that all white people are responsible for America’s racist history. But white conservatives are convinced that saying systemic racism exists in America automatically translates to “all white people are racist,” so it would appear that this “educator” is using the exact language to fit the right-wing narrative while not being specific in her letter about what was said that has her noose all in a knot.
But whatever—the board decided that the training was in violation of the state’s racist-a** anti-CRT law and now the whole Tulsa Public Schools system has been demoted to “accreditation with warning.” (Basically, the board is officially declaring to TPS, “You’re on thin ice, buddy!”)
So, this lady was so flustered by complex discussions on race that she snitched on the public school system she literally works for and now it’s been decided that TPS “failed to meet one or more of the standards and the deficiency seriously detracts from the quality of the school’s educational program.” Because the “quality” of education in Oklahoma clearly hinges on white comfort.
Here’s what the ACLU had to say about the board’s decision:
“Everyone deserves to learn an inclusive and complete history in school, free from censorship or discrimination, but, with the passing of HB1775, Oklahoma politicians endorsed classroom censorship. What we are seeing now are the real-life consequences of the approved promulgating rules by the Oklahoma Department of Education and the clear issues with the broad and vague language of the law itself. Make no mistake: Tulsa Public Schools is just the beginning. The longer HB1775 is allowed to be in effect, the more accusations we will see across all state public schools. The impact of this law is not only being felt by entire school districts, but also by the teachers who have dedicated their lives to the future of Oklahoma and by the students who are denied their right to receive an equitable education. The First Amendment protects the right to expression, including the right to receive information. We must protect this right to maintain the integrity of Oklahoma’s education system.”
Once, again, it needs to be pointed out who the real snowflakes are. Conservatives are all about anti-censorship until their fragile white feelings are hurt. That’s all this is.
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