
Thomas Homan speaks at the National Conservative Conference in Washington D.C., on July 8, 2024. | Source: DOMINIC GWINN / Getty

Donald Trump hasn’t even been announced as the president-elect for a full week yet and already his administration is shaping up to be the white nationalist legion of bootlicking and gaslighting that non-MAGA voters expect it to be.

On Sunday, Trump announced the man he has appointed as his “border czar.” (That’s the title he completely made up and then spent his campaign assigning to Vice President Kamala Harris despite the fact that she was never placed in charge of the border.)

Meet Thomas D. Homan.

According to the New York Times, Homan is a former police officer and former border patrol agent who, in 2017, was named acting director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). Last Month, Homan made an appearance on CBS’s “60 Minutes” where he boasted that, under Trump, large-scale worksite raids that began under Trump’s last administration but were suspended under President Joe Biden would resume — because what better way to say, “Trump is back, baby” than to immediately start charging into blue-collar worksites and resume racially profiling all of the non-white employees. 

But don’t expect Himan to see the racism in racial profiling — he has already made it clear which side of the issue he’s on. During the “60 Minutes” episode, Homan said, “I hear a lot of people say, ‘The talk of mass deportation is racist — it’s threatening to the immigrant community.” Hogan argued that it should only “be threatening to the immigrant community.”

During Trump’s first administration, he advocated for policies that served no other purpose but to make the path to citizenship more difficult. (For brown people anyway. During his campaign this year, he made it clear he wishes the U.S. received more white immigrants from “nice” European countries.) Last month, Trump said Haitian migrants (those people he spread pet-eating propaganda about) who are in the country legally are still illegal immigrants “as far as I’m concerned.” So, this idea which has persisted for years and through multiple presidential administrations that the conservative war on migrants is all about legalization and not racism and xenophobia is just deflective nonsense.

White conservatives reveal themselves constantly through the very language they use when discussing Black and Hispanic migrants. That, of course, includes Trump, who, in October, claimed migrants had “bad genes” that predisposed them to murder, and once said they are “poisoning the blood” of the country. He also compared them to Hannibal Lecter, called them “animals” who are “not human,” lied about them bringing “tremendous infectious disease” to the U.S., and repeatedly claimed that they are causing surges in violent crime despite the fact that crime data does not support the narrative.

But, of course, one shouldn’t expect Homan to see the racism in all of that — he would have to recognize the humanity of migrants first. During the “60 Minutes” interview, he was asked whether there was a way to carry out mass deportations without separating families.

“Of course there is. Families can be deported together,” he responded.

It’s also worth mentioning that, while Trump distanced himself from the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025 during his campaign, he certainly didn’t have an issue immediately adding to his administration one of its contributors.

From NBC News:

Homan is a visiting fellow at the Heritage Foundation, a conservative group. He was a contributor to Project 2025’s Mandate for Leadership book. He is also the president and CEO of Border911, a nonprofit group that warns of the supposed threat posed by undocumented immigrants.

Since Homan is an ex-border patrol agent and ICE director who doesn’t think mass deportation is racist, it should surprise no one that he’s also an ex-cop who is “not buying there’s systemic racism in law enforcement,” which he declared amid the news that ex-Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin had been found guilty of murdering George Floyd.

According to CNBC, as soon as Trump announced Homan as his “border czar,” private prison stocks Geo Group and CoreCivic “umped more than 4% and nearly 8%, respectively, in premarket trading.” That alone tells us all we need to know.


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