Tim Scott Shines Trump’s Shoes One Last Time By Voting To Acquit ‘The Inciter In Chief’

Source: Bloomberg / Getty
South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott tap danced for and shined the shoes of Donald Trump one last time by voting “not guilty” in the former president’s impeachment trial on Saturday. His vote gave him the distinction of being the only Black Senator to support acquitting Trump.
Tim Scott just continues to be an embarrassment
— Elie Mystal (@ElieNYC) February 13, 2021
Scott was among the 43 Senate Republicans whose votes helped Trump avoid an impeachment conviction for the second time. Trump was charged with a single article of impeachment for the incitement of insurrection stemming from the domestic white supremacist terrorists who illegally stormed the Capitol.
@SenatorTimScott I see how you voted in the impeachment trial. We’re relocating to SC this year. I will be your worse nightmare if you decide to run for any public office ever again! More of us are moving back to the south so kiss your political future goodbye!!!
— ATLG1RL (@MLBF16) February 13, 2021
Republicans already had enough votes to acquit Trump, making Scott’s vote in alphabetical order toward the end of the roll call unnecessary. Still, he voted not guilty. Let that sink in.
Black Republican Senator Tim Scott calls the impeachment of a president for inciting a deadly insurrection nothing more than “a political show trial.”
This man never stops being an embarrassment.
— Keith Boykin (@keithboykin) February 12, 2021
While 57 Senators voted not guilty, only 34 not guilty votes were needed to secure Trump’s acquittal despite irrefutable evidence that the former president actively, repeatedly and knowingly urged his supporters to get violent at the Capitol; violence that resulted in at least five deaths.
@SenatorTimScott needs to resign after that vote!!+!
— DJ (@DJ89997004) February 13, 2021
Scott’s not guilty vote was on-brand for the Senator who has blindly sided with Trump regardless of the issue, including those that have gone against the interests of Black people. While Trump’s second impeachment was not necessarily about race, it stemmed from Trump’s persistent attempt to invalidate ballots cast by voters residing in majority Black communities. It was in that context that Scott still decided to vote for Trump’s acquittal.
Tim Scott, consistently selling out to protect white nationalist insurrectionists. He’s such a clown. It is embarrassing. #ImpeachmentTrial https://t.co/1BJKHZzNU3
— BlackCaribbean4 (@BCaribbean4) February 13, 2021
“The Democrats should put the blame where it stands, where it should be,” Scott told Fox News earlier this week. “And it does not have to do with the president who said go ‘peacefully’ to protest.”
@SenatorTimScott Traitor to America.
— Yo Davis (@YoDavis) February 13, 2021
In typical fashion, Scott’s interpretation of Trump’s words and actions are flawed.
You are a coward and a traitor, Tim Scott @SenatorTimScott
(@JenKirkman) February 13, 2021
The House Impeachment Managers presented a meticulous case that showed a clear pattern of Trump inciting violence from his supporters, including his insistence that his followers “fight like hell” at the Capitol on the same day Congress was convening to certify the 2020 election for Joe Biden. To assume he meant anything else would be nonsensical, lead impeachment manager and Maryland Rep. Jamie Raskin said.
The 43 not guilty men and women Republicans will have to live with them selves; Tim Scott hope both neighbors are white.
— Oscar A. Salas (@SalasAmpuero) February 13, 2021
“Donald Trump surrendered his role as commander in chief and became the inciter in chief of a dangerous insurrection,” Raskin said earlier this week on the Senate floor. “He told them to ‘fight like hell,’ and they brought us hell on that day.”
It is not a vote, it is a #confession . By abandoning #accountability in favour of blind @acquittal , Senator @SenatorTimScott has become #complicit in the deadly violence and #insurrection of #January6th .
— Jim Lovell (@jimlovell9_jim) February 13, 2021
Scott’s refusal to acknowledge that truth was consistent if nothing else with his multiple past co-signings of Trump, including being part of the RNC’s group of Black men denying the former president is racist. That unfortunate act prompted the term “Uncle Tom” to trend on Twitter.
The people of South Carolina are not going to forget how senators @LindseyGrahamSC & @SenatorTimScott put party before country today & failed their oaths to the Constitution by voting to acquit Trump. Neither of you cowards have any morals. Trump won’t call off his mob next time.
— Mike Vance (@baggerthehammer) February 13, 2021
Scott also voted against the coronavirus relief stimulus package — consistent with Trump’s opinion, again — back in March of last year amid record unemployment when Americans needed the help most.
I do not understand Tim Scott. I will never understand Tim Scott.
— NW Pete (@ptv1024) February 13, 2021
After Trump was acquitted during his first impeachment trial a little more than a year ago, he made sure to credit Scott for being such a trusty and tirelessly blind loyalist.
It’s gonna be really funny they vote Tim Scott black ass out soon lol https://t.co/N0sCZVftbf
— Carolina Connect (@CarolinaConect) February 13, 2021
Scott rushed to Trump’s defense when he learned about Democrats’ push for impeachment. Insisting Scott “was the first one to call me,” Trump said the South Carolina Senator told he disagreed there was ever a quid pro quo with Ukraine to interfere with an American election.
Tim Scott is one sorry ass excuse of a Black man. You’re free to disagree with me but I couldn’t give a damn!
— Darius’s Dad (@dad_darius) February 13, 2021
“I read the transcript,” Trump said Scott told him about the phone call. “You did nothing wrong.”
@SenatorTimScott you are the definition of Coward, sir. And history will always know you as such.
— Ricky Mollohan (@mollohan_ricky) February 13, 2021
Maybe more egregiously, Scott openly admitted he never fully read the Mueller Report, which is the findings of an extensive investigation into Russian interference and collusion in the 2016 presidential election that implicated Trump. In that instance, Scott famously asked, “What’s the point?” of reading the Mueller Report.
@SenatorTimScott God will be your judge. Be ready to pay for the wages of your sin. Your vote to acquit Trump will destroy you and all those you love.
— MB (@kasudo63) February 13, 2021
Ramping up the reckless rhetoric, Scott in 2019 compared impeaching Trump to putting him on “death row.”
@SenatorTimScott dishonored himself today.
— Ross Shealy (@rossshealy) February 13, 2021
In another demonstration of inexplicable support of Trump, Scott praised his foreign policies that effectively dismantled a number of rules put in place to safeguard the US., including an office President Barack Obama established to respond to the threat of a pandemic.
@SenatorTimScott SHAME!
— J Krepps (@joseph_krepps) February 13, 2021
Finally, in a gesture clearly designed to pledge his complete allegiance to Trump, Scott gleefully lauded a Republican tax bill with Ivanka Trump, crediting her for the proposed legislation despite 1) it being a bad policy and 2) Ivanka not being a tax expert or economic adviser and instead is simply the daughter of a president who has never even shown his taxes.
.@SenatorTimScott .@LindseyGrahamSC To the Senators who represent my state (but very clearly not me) I hope history judges you both harshly and that you’re remembered as the complicit traitors to this country that you showed today you are. #TrumpIsGuilty
— Tami Fralick (@bigtam16) February 13, 2021
When all of the above is considered, it’s not a surprise that Scott would again choose to side with Trump. However, that still doesn’t dull the sting.
Tim Scott is still a disgrace
— KING (@parkheights33) February 13, 2021
But then again, this is America.
Stacey Plaskett Slams Trump’s Impeachment Lawyers For Video Scapegoating Black Women
Trump’s Legal Team Leads With Lies And Misspellings In Senate Impeachment Trial
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