Shocking surveillance footage shows the moments a man was shot to death after trying to run his boss over with a car in a fierce act of vengeance for being fired.

Authorities told KLAS that the disgruntled employee showed up drunk to his construction job at a home in the valley area of Las Vegas on Aug. 1. Declared unfit to work, his employer fired him on the spot.

Home surveillance video captured the moment the man took the wheel of a dark-colored SUV and chased his boss up and down the street, driving on a sidewalk and running over the lawns of nearby homes before finally ramming his car at his boss and launching him into a nearby wall.

A video shows a Las Vegas man spending down a sidewalk in a residential neighborhood. (Photo: YouTube screenshot/8 News Now — Las Vegas)

Neighbors went outside and witnessed the violence after hearing the commotion on their street.

The driver hit one of those residents as he sped wildly down the street, aiming for his boss. That victim, Steven Bowman, told KLAS that his leg was maimed after he was hit by debris from a wall the driver knocked down.

“I heard somebody say, ‘He’s coming back,’ and I couldn’t move,” Bowman said. “He didn’t care who he was coming after.”

The mayhem finally ended when another neighbor armed with a shotgun took aim at the driver to stop him from wreaking more havoc.

Ana Tilley said she called on her 27-year-old grandson to grab her shotgun after she saw the driver’s boss get run over.

“(My grandson was) hollering at him, ‘Stop! Stop!’ The guy wouldn’t stop,” Tilley recalled. “I said, ‘Throw me the gun.’ No. He raised the gun, and I thought, ‘Oh my god! Oh my god!’”

Tilley said her grandson fired three shots at the SUV. Afterward, the car crashed into a white picket fence and finally came to a rest in someone’s front yard.

When police arrived, they found the driver dead at the scene. Witnesses recalled seeing injuries to his face. The shooter cooperated with police and was taken into custody. He was released the day after the incident.

Authorities said the driver’s former boss suffered “major” injuries, but they weren’t life-threatening. They have yet to release the identities of the supervisor and his former employee who was fatally shot.

‘Throw Me the Gun’: Disgruntled Las Vegas Employee Mows Down Boss Before Bystander Intervenes, Shoots the Driver Dead In His Tracks