A video of police officers questioning a Black man has gone viral, with many viewers accusing the cops of trying to agitate the civilian.

The footage, shared on TikTok by user _kashanova_, shows a female officer asking the man behind the camera about his relationship with other people on the scene. However, the man, seeming annoyed, answers the question slowly.

“Imma speak very slowly. I—just–met––this––,” before the female officer interrupts him and asks him the question again.

Video shows a police officer questioning a Black man about the same time repeatedly. (Photo: TikTok/_kashanova_)

“I—do––not––know––anybody here,” he responds. 

Still, less than 2 minutes later, the officer asks the man about his connection to the people who were on the scene again, according to the video.

“And you don’t know the couple?” she asks.

“I don’t know nobody here! How many times do I need to keep saying that sh—t?” he protests.

“What’s your relationship to…” she asks again, pointing to someone off-camera.

The frustrated man begins to explain for the fourth time that he doesn’t know anyone on the scene but storms away with the camera, revealing that two other cops are surrounding him.

He then gives in and tells the cops what they seem to want to hear.

“That’s my brother,” he says sarcastically. “Whoever you’re asking me about. That’s my brother.”

Moments later, he tells the female officer he gave a woman a ride to the area. Satisfied for the moment, the female officer walks away. But then, to add insult to injury, one of the male officers questions him about the “thing with the brother.”

“When you said the brother, that was new,” the other officer said.

The video, which was posted without a caption on Sept. 1, was viewed over 220,000 times and garnered over 600 comments. It is unclear when and where the incident took place.

Many viewers mocked the officer’s lack of comprehension and found Kashanova’s response to the interrogation amusing.

“They don’t have two brain cells to rub together between the both of ‘em,” one viewer wrote.

Some viewers shared personal anecdotes or similar experiences, while others accused the female officer of trying to trigger a certain response from the man.

“See, they are trying to escalate so they can get some kinda charge, protect serve my a— escalate and charge to get revenue for corrupt politicians reckless spending,” one viewer wrote. “I swear they do this to agitate people get them pissed, and then arrest them [because] they aren’t complying.”

In the end, the officers stopped questioning Kashanova and allowed him to leave the scene without any charges or any more complications.

“They let me go ’cause everything I was saying was true, and I didn’t break any laws,” he wrote.

‘They Do This to Agitate People’: Video Shows Cop Repeatedly Questioning Black Man About Couple Even Though He Explained He Doesn’t Know Them