On Tuesday the legal branch of the NAACP released an in-depth report recounting the ways Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron mishandled the investigation and the grand jury proceedings in the Breonna Taylor case.

“Today we released a report detailing the flawed grand jury process in which Attorney General Cameron’s office tailored their presentation, which was rife with bias, to protect law enforcement,” a tweet from the organization’s Legal Defense Fund’s official account read.

The NAACP’s Legal Defense fund calls on the appointment of a special prosecutor, echoing the sentiments of Breonna’s family and numerous other critics who feel the whole investigation provided not the slightest semblance of justice. The reports asks Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear to enact legislation to create an impartial counsel of prosecutors to assist in future cases of criminal wrongdoing by law enforcement.

“We, therefore, call on the Kentucky Attorney General’s Office to appoint a special prosecutor to resubmit the case to a new grand jury, present additional evidence and applicable charges, fully explain the application of principles of self-defense, and make public the process by which the grand jury will deliberate.

The report also points out the ways Cameron’s office leaned on inaccurate, misleading and irrelevant information to present to the grand jury in an effort to give preference to the Louisville Metro Police Department, an act unbefitting of an attorney general whose job is to act as the “‘people’s lawyer’ for citizens,” according to USA.gov. The Legal Defense fund also claims Cameron’s office failed to release crucial evidence, failed to show how the LMPD violated protocol and evidence of racial bias during the questioning of Taylor’s boyfriend Kenneth Walker and

On September 23, after six months of waiting, the public learned along with Taylor’s family, that no charges would be brought forth in Taylor’s death. Only one officer, Brett Hankison, was charged for wanton endangerment for firing negligently into a neighboring apartment near Taylor’s. Cameron announced he could not find any evidence to charge the officer’s for Taylor’s death after months of public displays of indifference.

Following, a grand jury member filed a motion to speak publicly about the case and asked the judge to release audio of the proceedings, something that Cameron refused to do when directly asked by reporters.

Taylor, a 26-year-old EMT with aspirations to be a nurse, was shot and killed in her apartment on March 13 when a group of officers embarked on pursuing a search warrant relating to Taylor’s ex-boyfriend Jamarcus Glover. Walker, a registered gun owner claims officers did not announce themselves and fired a shot in self-defense in full belief that their home was being intruded. The LMPD firing more than 32 rounds in return, six of which struck Taylor.

Taylor’s case marked an apex of the ongoing Black Lives Matter Movement. Many are still fighting to preserve her legacy and gain justice. The Legal Defense Fund’s report on Tuesday is just one of many steps to remind Cameron that we will never forget.


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