It looks like Gabrielle Union and Dwyane Wade have reached one of the biggest milestones yet when it comes to parenting a toddler, and that is potty training.

On Saturday, Jan. 16, Union uploaded an Instagram video holding her daughter, Kaavia James Union Wade, outside and asking her, “Did you poo poo in the potty?”

Kaavia James and Gabrielle Union ( Photo: @gabunion/Instagram)

Kaavia quickly and simply answered, “Yep” as she tries to look away from her mother’s staring gaze. Still looking at her, Union tries again to get her daughter to tell the truth by saying “Kaav. And she answers “huh” with the most cunning look on her face. Trying to hold back her laugh, Union asked again, “Did you poo poo in the potty?” Kaavia stood by her initial answer and responded “Yup” again. But Union asked, “are you sure?” And Kaavia was about to answer, but decided to “change the topic” as Union said.

It’s not quite clear what the 2-year-old said next, but Union responded to her “Yea you poo pooed, like they poo pooed. Not in the potty,” the mother of one said as the camera holder points the camera to a pile of what appears to be dog waste on the ground.

In the caption, Union wrote, “How potty training is going 🤣😂🤣😂@kaaviajames man… If this is her at 2, Lord help us 😅🤣😂😅🤣😂😆🤣💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩.”

Even at her young age, Kaavia has plenty of fans, with many of them having her back in the comments section after laughing at her reaction.

One person wrote, “She said you is not finna ask me all these questions in front of these people cameras” while another said, “Deflect Baby Deflect! She is smart!!!”

Someone else said, “That look away means liessssssss. 😂😂😂.”

Other fans took the time to warn Union that her journey in potty training would be a very bumpy ride. One person said “Buckle up Gab!!!!! That reverse side eye followed with the quick divert……LISTEN” and another agreed, “I think you’ll need more wine. Potty training is for drunks only😩😩😩😩.”

The funny video generated over half a million likes.