Nearly a year ago, former reality star and actress Tami Roman caught fans off guard after revealing on “The Real” that she offered her husband, Reginald “Reggie” Youngblood, a proposition that included having a child with another woman.

Roman and Youngblood, who have been married since 2018, have suffered three miscarriages in the past. Despite the hardships, the couple considered surrogacy. That was until November 2021, when Roman appeared on the daytime television show and claimed that they had put the surrogacy option on hold because of her busy schedule.

Tami Roman clarifies the comment she made about her husband Reggie Youngblood being granted permission to have a child with another woman. Photo:@breakfastclubpower105.1fm/YouTube

During that interview, Roman also shared that because she wants her husband’s legacy to live on, she was willing to go through with the proposition and co-parent with the potential female suitor.

Fast Forward to Oct. 4, Roman decided to address that particular comment while appearing on “The Breakfast Club” radio show. When asked about the deal she made with Youngblood, Roman clarified her past remarks by saying at the 26:30 mark of the interview, “That is not what I said. I was on ‘The Real,’ and they give you two minutes; y’all have been on the show. They throw a question at you. You try to answer it in two minutes.”

The 52-year-old continued the conversation by discussing the surrogacy process. “So what I was saying was I have eggs that have been frozen. We had been trying to find a surrogate, and every time we started the process, I could never finish because I’m now over here doing this show, over here doing six months on Ms. Pat, you know, that type of energy.”

Tami Roman and Reggie Youngblood Photo:@tamiroman/Instagram

Further in the discussion, Roman went into grave detail to describe all the searching she and Youngblood had to do to find their ideal surrogate candidate.

She said, “So what I was saying was, because you know you got to really investigate that stuff. You know you looking through these books of these women trying to carry … You know it’s all on the website and you got to go through hundreds and thousands of profiles of women who would like to carry your baby, right. So then outside of that, its like I don’t know if y’all did enough of a background check. So now I got to do my own background check.”

Toward the end of the video, Roman shared that in her past comments on “The Real,” she meant to say that she wanted Youngblood to narrow down the list of surrogate options on his own.

“You know all these things and we kept falling out of time to do it so I was saying you,” she said, speaking of her husband, “take the time away from me because here again we are together every day. So you go and focus on that and find this chick and once you narrow it down, bring it back to me … No I don’t want him to stick his penis nowhere else.”

As the conversation wrapped up, Roman revealed that the couple decided not to go along with the surrogacy process because she and Youngblood became “too busy.”