Source: Congressional Quarterly / Getty

It appears that the Supreme Court isn’t ending its conservative tear on the human rights of marginalized people by overturning Roe v. Wade—it is also setting its sights on upholding racist congressional map redistricting clearly meant to dilute Black voting power. Because what’s a little systemic racism if it means Republicans can still win elections, amirite?

According to The Hill, the Supreme Court voted 6-3 on Tuesday to reinstate a Louisiana voting map drawn by the state’s GOP that was blocked by a federal judge who found it to be discriminatory toward Black voters.

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U.S. District Judge Shelly Dick ruled earlier this month that Louisiana’s MAGA map redistricting plan disenfranchised Black voters and ordered the Republican-led legislature to draw a new map that created a second majority-Black congressional district in the state. The Hill noted that “under the original plan, large numbers of Black voters were consolidated into a single majority-Black congressional district, with remaining Black voters dispersed throughout the state’s five other districts.”

And it appears the Supreme Court won’t be stopping at reinstating Louisiana’s racist-a** map. From The Hill:

The move came in a brief unsigned order issued without comment under the court’s so-called “shadow docket.”

Additionally, the justices added the case to their docket for their next court term, which begins this fall. They are slated to hear arguments in October over a similar Voting Rights Act challenge to Alabama’s new voting maps.

So, after Louisiana and Alabama, what state is next?

In April, we reported that Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis proposed a re-drawn map breaking up a majority-Black voting district in north Florida in favor of what he blatantly called a “race-neutral” map. Since DeSantis never proposed such a thing for any majority-white voting districts in his state, it is clear what he sought to do was racist AF. That’s why it was ruled unconstitutional by a circuit court judge who was appointed by DeSantis himself. But who knows? Maybe this will be the next “shadow docket” case taken on by a Supreme Court run by right-wingers who appear to have forsaken the entire concept of judicial neutrality and only seem to care about the human rights of “people” who haven’t been born yet.

Sometimes I really just hate it here.


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