Source: Summer Lee for Congress Campaign / Summer Lee for Congress Campaign

Pennsylvania state Rep. Summer Lee is fighting tooth and nail to represent the state’s 12th Congressional District.

On Wednesday, the Democrat launched her first television ad for the general election, spotlighting the differences between Democratic Rep. Mike Doyle and her “extremist” opponent Republican Mike Doyle.

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The scathing 30-second ad highlights Republican Doyle’s conservative political views, including his previous support of an abortion ban, cuts to Social Security and Medicare, and his involvement with the NRA. The ad also alleges that the Republican candidate campaigned with fellow Pennsylvania state Sen. Doug Mastriano, who was endorsed by former President Donald Trump.

“Let’s clear up the confusion,” Lee wrote on Twitter after releasing the fiery ad. “I’m running against an extreme anti-choice pro-NRA Republican who wants to cut Social Security & Medicare. He also shares a name with retiring Congressman @UsRepMikeDoyle. Your vote in #PA12 is a vote for a far-right GOP majority or against it.”

Let’s clear up the confusion.

I’m running against an extreme anti-choice, pro-NRA Republican who wants to cut Social Security & Medicare.

He also shares a name with retiring Congressman, @USRepMikeDoyle.

Your vote in #PA12 is a vote for a far-right GOP majority or against it.

— Summer Lee (@SummerForPA) October 26, 2022

With Congressman Doyle gearing up to retire, Lee and Republican Doyle are in a fierce fight to the finish to take his seat. Lee has been a staunch defender of reproductive freedom and gun safety reform throughout her campaign. If elected, she said she would aim to fix systemic issues impacting working families and gender and racial equity for communities of color.

Summer Lee could make history if she wins

In 2018, Lee made history after she became the first Black woman to be elected to Pennsylvania’s legislature, winning over 67 percent of the vote. In 2019, the civil rights attorney co-founded a grassroots organization called UNITE, which is dedicated to building progressive electoral power up and down the ballot.

Since forming the initiative, Lee has helped to expand the electorate. The group welcomed emerging Democratic voters at scale and elected slates of progressives, including Pittsburgh’s first Black mayor, Ed Gainey.

Lee will achieve another historic victory if she wins this election season. The Democrat will become the first Black woman to represent Pennsylvania in Congress. It’s tough to spot to fill, but she has everything it takes.

Leaning into the grassroots to push candidates across the finish line

Speaking with NewsOne after her primary election win, Lee reflected on the importance of her race for statewide races. She said that the grassroots effort that helped her win the primary remains important for winning the governorship and a U.S. Senate seat.

“This is a largely Democratic area, but with the threats to Roe v. Wade with abortion care and access on the line in Pennsylvania, the only thing that’s protecting us is a governor’s veto,” Lee told NewsOne back in May. “We are bringing out Black voters, brown voters, young voters, progressives, liberals. We need all of that in Pittsburgh. We have to run up the numbers.”


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