Stacey Dash Wants To Be Invited Back To The Cookout: ‘I Made A Lot Of Mistakes’

Source: MARK RALSTON / Getty
Stacey Dash is following the classic — and pitifully stale — blueprint for redemption in the Black community by begging for forgiveness. In other words, she wants to be invited back to the proverbial cookout after selling her people out.
The 54-year-old “Clueless” actress continues to validate whoever cast her in that infamous role by publicly repenting for her destructive role in trying to delegitimize many causes championed by Black folks, including and especially President Barack Obama.
On Wednesday, Dash one-upped her tone-deafness and went to the British press to issue an apology for what she called her past “mistakes” that came with her membership to the Republican Party. Not the Black press, but the same British press that is being vilified as racist after Meghan Markle’s bombshell interview with Oprah Winfrey aired three days earlier.
“I’ve lived my life being angry, which is what I was on Fox News. I was the angry, conservative, Black woman. And at that time in my life it was who I was,” Dash told the Daily Mail, of all publications. “I realized in 2016 that anger is unsustainable and it will destroy you. I made a lot of mistakes because of that anger.”
She continued:
“There are things that I am sorry for. Things that I did say, that I should not have said them the way I said them. They were very arrogant and prideful and angry. And that’s who Stacey was, but that’s not who Stacey is now. Stacey’s someone who has compassion, empathy.
“God has forgiven me, how dare I not forgive someone else. I don’t want to be judged, so how dare I judge anyone else. So if anyone has ever felt that way about me, like I’ve judged, that I apologize for because that’s not who I am.”
Breaking! Stacey Dash is apologizing. Maybe Omarosa can give her tips on where to go on the apology tour. They always wanna come back home, dont they?
This part, “I was the angry, conservative, Black woman. I made alot of mistakes cuz of that anger.”
— Clay ‘Didn’t Hold My Vote Hostage’ Cane (@claycane) March 11, 2021
Of course, specific is terrific, and Dash’s words were conspicuously absent of some of the more hurtful things she’s said and done in the past five years, in particular.
They include, in no specific order:
Defending Donald Trump’s racist comment calling Nazis in Charlottesville “very fine people.”
While on MSNBC in 2018, Dash was asked about Trump’s vile comments about Charlottesville when he infamously sympathized with Nazis by saying, “I do think there’s blame on both sides. You look at both sides. I think there’s blame on both sides and I have no doubt about it and you don’t have any doubt about it.” Trump compared the counter-protesters to Nazis who were screaming, “Blood and soil,” which is a Nazi Germany reference. Trump also said, “You have some very bad people in that group, but you also had people that were very fine people on both sides.”
Stacey Dash told MSNBC’s Ari Melber she agreed with Trump: “I think he’s absolutely right, there were two extreme sides.”
Melber then asked, “When he said there are ‘good people on both sides,’ good people at the white supremacist rally, do you cosign that?”
Dash decided to evoke God, “I’m not here to judge. The only one who can judge is God.”
Watch the exchange below.
Downplaying slavery
Dash wrote on Facebook in 2015, “Slavery ended 150 years ago. Isn’t it time to take responsibility for ourselves?” She also wrote in an article, “Blacks, stop believing the false narrative that race is what stops you or kills you. Take responsibility. Integrate. Stop complaining and blaming others for our destiny.” Dash’s racist universe can’t even comprehend that “Blacks” have always taken responsibility and claimed their destiny. Slavery ended because Black folks fought back. Jim Crow ended because Black folks rose up. Clearly, Dash doesn’t know a lick of history.
Disrespecting Auntie Maxine Waters
In 2017, Dash referred to the longtime Democratic Congresswoman from California as a “buffoon,” a loaded term if there ever was one that is tantamount to a racist slur in some Black circles. She suggested at the time that Waters was on her last “15 minutes.” Dash claims she’s sorry for this type of behavior but has yet to delete any of the tweets that have documented her anti-Black hate over the years.
This is how you spin a corrupt media buffoon sucking up her late in life 15 minutes:
— Stacey DASH (@staceydash) August 24, 2017
Dash called Jesse Williams a “plantation slave”
Staying consistent by applying racist terms to Black people, Dash called actor Jesse Williams a “plantation slave” because he delivered a pro-Black Lives Matter speech at the BET Awards in 2016. In a blog post that still lives on the internet, Dash called the speech “nothing short of an attack on white people” and blasted BET for “keeping racism and segregation alive.”
Dash dismissed Black History Month as insignificant
While attacking Jada Pinkett Smith as a hypocrite for demanding the Academy Awards honor more Black actors, Dash said the BET network shouldn’t exist — “just like there shouldn’t be a Black History Month. She continued: ” “You know, we’re Americans. Period. That’s it.”
Dash called rape victims “bad girls” who “like to be naughty”
While working as a correspondent for Fox News — a separate category of self-hate all to itself — Dash said that any woman who gets raped should get 100 percent of the blame.
“The other bad girls – bad women – are the ones who like to be naughty, might go out and play and get hurt and then, you know… But the other thing about this is that it then blames the alcohol instead of the person who overdrinks,” Dash said in 2015. “So it’s like, the same thing with guns. Guns don’t kill people; people kill people. Alcohol doesn’t get you drunk; you get yourself drunk.”
Dash openly supported Paula Deen’s anti-Black racism
Dash came to Deen’s rescue in 2013 after the celebrity chef was fired by The Food Network for admitting to using the N-word and having plantation fantasies about Black men dressed in white shorts and bow-ties serving food at a wedding reception.
God does everything for a reason @Paula_Deen Only God can judge your heart BTW my daughter loves your show (only way she can get me to cook)
— Stacey DASH (@staceydash) June 25, 2013
She disrespected Obama
Last, but definitely not least, Dash disrespected our forever President Barack Obama by endorsing then-Republican nominee Mitt Romney in 2012. She described Obama at the time as a “disappointment” — irony of there ever was any — and insisted “We need new leadership to get our economy growing again.” Of course, Obama would go on to continue the greatest economic recovery the United States has ever seen.
Does Dash deserve to be forgiven for all of the above and other moral transgressions? That is not for NewsOne to determine.
But the old adage, “all skinfolk ain’t kinfolk,” seems abundantly appropriate at this moment.
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