Sidney Powell, Other Trump Attorneys Could Lose Law Licenses For ‘Big Lie’ After Judge Sanctions Them
Attorney Sidney Powell speaks during a news conference with Rudy Giuliani, lawyer for Donald Trump, about lawsuits contesting the results of the presidential election at the Republican National Committee headquarters in Washington, D.C., on Nov. 19, 2020. | Source: The Washington Post / Getty
Do y’all remember Sidney Powell, the pro-Trump attorney who joined fellow Donald Trump stooge Rudy Giuliani in spreading “stop the steal” propaganda involving sentient voting machines going full Skynet and changing Trump votes to Biden votes costing the commander-in-Goya-beans to lose his bid for re-election?
Well, on Wednesday, a federal judge ordered sanctions on Powell and several other lawyers of the Trump cult over their support of the “big lie” that eventually led to the Caucasian Can’t-Coup-Right rebellion at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6.
According to CNN, U.S. District Judge Linda Parker, of the Eastern District of Michigan, said the team of attorneys “engaged in litigation practices” that were “abusive and, in turn, sanctionable,” so now Powell and the rest of the voter suppression brigade are required to reimburse the lawyer fees Detroit and Michigan officials paid in seeking the sanctions. They’re also required to take legal education classes, which one can only assume is the ultimate insult for people who have supposedly already been through law school.
“Sanctions are required to deter the filing of future frivolous lawsuits designed primarily to spread the narrative that our election processes are rigged and our democratic institutions cannot be trusted,” Parker wrote in a 110-page opinion.
The sanctions could lead to one or all of the attorneys losing their law licenses, similar to when Giuliani’s law licenses were suspended first in New York and then in Washington, D.C., for “demonstrably false and misleading statements to courts, lawmakers and the public at large in his capacity as lawyer for former President Donald J. Trump and the Trump campaign in connection with Trump’s failed effort at reelection in 2020.”
CNN reported that last month, parker spent some six hours grilling Powell and other Trump attorneys over election fraud claims—claims that dozens of judges across lower courts, appellate courts and supreme courts, the former head of election cybersecurity, the former attorney general and the DOJ have all said there is no real evidence of.
Basically, all that came out of Parker’s interrogation of team “I heart voter suppression” was the already-obvious fact that Republican claims of widespread voter fraud are as thin as the ex-president’s hairpiece, which may actually be sentient and constantly attempting to run away from his is Tang-flavored face. (We don’t have any evidence of that, but clearly making wild claims without evidence is the name of the game these days, so let’s just have at it.)
Seriously though, we really don’t make enough noise over the fact that a sitting president who lost out on his second term couldn’t just take his L and go back to the golf course, and instead embarked on a campaign of blatant lies regarding his loss in a fair election. We don’t talk enough about how Trump and other Republicans, who swear to Orangey-White Jesus they aren’t racist, targetted voting precincts in largely Black areas in the aforementioned propaganda campaign.
Fortunately, judges weren’t buying it and their numerous attempts at stealing an election they falsely claimed was already stolen didn’t work. Now, Trump has been impeached over the effort (he wasn’t convicted, but still), Giuliani has had his law license suspended in D.C., Washington and New York, and both he and Powell are being sued by the voting machine companies they’re accused of spreading lies about.
And now Trump lawyers are being sanctioned.
Imagine stretching an L this far all because your ego won’t let you admit you simply lost.
You hate to see it. I mean, I love it, but I’m sure someone hates it.
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