Kyle Rittenhouse, the man who shot three people amid the racial reckoning of summer 2020, is being sued by the estate of one of the men who died. 

“I’m being sued again for defending my life,“ Rittenhouse posted on Aug. 25. The news came on the third anniversary of the incident that occurred during the civil unrest following the shooting of Jacob Blake — a Black man who was struck multiple times in the back by police in Kenosha, Wisconsin. The incident left Blake paralyzed.

Kyle Rittenhouse reacts as he is found not guilty on all counts at the Kenosha County Courthouse on Nov. 19, 2021, in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Rittenhouse was found not guilty of all charges in the shooting of three demonstrators, killing two of them, during a night of unrest that erupted in Kenosha after a police officer shot Jacob Blake seven times in the back while being arrested in August 2020. Rittenhouse, from Antioch, Illinois, claimed self-defense who at the time of the shooting was armed with an assault rifle. (Photo: Sean Krajacic – Pool/Getty Images)

The story of Rittenhouse’s actions propelled him into mainstream media and solidified him as a glorified figure for right-wing pundits. He also gained the support of former President Donald Trump.

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Rittenhouse’s post included an article that said the estate of Joseph Rosenbaum was not only pursuing legal action against him but also the city of Kenosha, as well as other entities, for his “wrongful death,” according to the report. The lawsuit, filed on Aug. 25, the three-year anniversary of the slaying, is seeking “compensatory and punitive damages” in this case.

Rittenhouse, then 17, shot and killed Rosenbaum as well as 26-year-old Anthony Huber with an assault-style rifle. A third man, 27-year-old Gaige Grosskreutz, was wounded during the incident. During his 2021 trial, Rittenhouse was cleared on all counts after arguing that he acted in self-defense. 

Earlier this year, Huber’s father won a court ruling allowing him to continue his lawsuit against Rittenhouse, which prompted him to start raising money on social media. 

“These lawsuits are making it harder and harder for me to move on with my life,” Rittenhouse said in a recent interview with Texas Scorecard. “It is extremely difficult to go outside without fear of being harassed or assaulted because of the lies spread in these lawsuits. No one should have to continue to defend the fact that they acted in self-defense.”

There were mixed reactions to Rittenhouse’s post, with some of his supporters stating that they are standing with him. Others pressed him, saying it’s the consequences of his actions.

“I stand with my friend @ThisIsKyleR and *every* conservative they’re all coming after, trying to destroy our rights and reputations and lives,” one person said


— SCDHL – EFF the NWO (@HenryLindeman9) August 26, 2023

You did not defend your life!! You committed murder and because of a corrupt judge you are free!! Your life now is shit and you will never recover from this!!

— Jacquie (@Jacquie37575441) August 27, 2023

Something tells me they won’t win, but the left sure as hell loves trying to destroy the good people amongst us.

— Even More Pissed Off Patriot (@POdPatriot) August 26, 2023

Another posted: “Sorry NOT sorry. You should have minded your own business.”

Should have stayed home that night

— Intellectual Outlaw (@OutlawRobin92) August 26, 2023

Just because you were acquitted in a criminal court, doesn’t mean you aren’t liable in a civil one. You shouldn’t have been in Kenosha in the first place. Then none of this would have happened.

— ⱩаꞎⱬꞑҤаꞎⱬ (@HatzKatzn) August 26, 2023

Last week, the family of Blake also filed a federal lawsuit against Kenosha and its officials, including the officers who were involved in his shooting, WISN reported.