“We’re the Millers” star Emma Roberts is facing fierce backlash after rushing out of a bookstore in the Hamptons and allegedly snapping at a Black secret service worker.

While trying to avoid an onslaught of paparazzi, after getting caught in the same location as former U.S. President Bill Clinton, viral video footage captured Roberts saying something, according to fans on social media, that was obnoxious, rude and borderline racist.

In the clip, which was originally captured by photographer Elder Ordonez, the “American Horror Story” actress can be heard mumbling, “Get out of the way.”

Many believe the former star of Nickelodeon’s “Unfabulous” had a commanding yet dismissive tone. Roberts comes rushing out of the door, clutching two beverages, while dressed in a black tank top and leopard-print biker shorts.

Near the door stands a reportedly plain-clothes Secret Service agent, who wore a pair of gray jeans, a khaki polo shirt, and a khaki baseball cap, which to fans, considering his dress, made the statement as a command more damning.

“i’m losing my mind @ her telling the plain clothes secret service agent to get out of her way omg.”

“Nah shorty just kinda racist cus he wasnt blocking shit.”

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“I mean to her it was just any Black person, and she wasn’t gonna tuck her casual racism in because they’re a member of an elite federal police force,” a comment read.

I mean to her it was just any Black person, and she wasn’t gonna tuck her casual racism in because they’re a member of an elite federal police force. https://t.co/MYwuEWWLlQ

— mx. ría (@abolitionistbae) September 4, 2023

Among those who pointed out how impolite the “Scream Queens” star was, others gave her the benefit of the doubt in the comments section underOrdonez’s post.

“I think she meant she was getting ‘out of the way’ because she knew they were taking pics of Clinton and didn’t want to be in the shot. Hence the reason she laughed and said, ‘This is ridiculous.”

“This clip proves to be an example of the different conclusions people jump to when given the least amount of information. Here’s my take. The SS agent wasn’t blocking anyone, and she clearly had (more than) enough room to exit. I’m with the ‘just gonna get out of the way’ consensus.”

“Y’all are so quick to attack her, she clearly said excuse me quietly and said let ME get out of the way. You can LITERALLY hear her say, ‘Let me get out of the way here,’ but OK go off.”

Roberts has not spoken out to clarify what she said.