Stacey Dash’s new TikTok video showed her heartbroken after recently finding out about DMX’s passing. The actress turned interior designer uploaded a recording of herself hysterically crying with a gospel soundtrack playing in the background as she expressed shame, sorrow and empathy.  

“Okay y’all, I’m ashamed I- I didn’t know..” Dash said as she took a moment to catch her breath and recollect herself. “I didn’t know DMX died, I didn’t know,” she said. “From a cocaine overdose.” 

Stacy Dash (L) and DMX (R). Photo: @official.stacydash/ Instagram, Gregory Bojorquez/Getty Images

She gasped in hysteria before finishing her final thoughts. “I am today six years and one month clean, and it breaks my heart. It breaks my heart. He lost to it; he lost. He lost to that demon of addiction. Please, please don’t lose.”

Dash also wrote a lengthy caption where she discussed how she found out about the tragic news. Her caption read, “I was strolling through #tiktok and found a #DMX song that saved me many times. Suddenly it says #RIP I know I am late, I did not know he passed away, he #OD I am heartbroken – he was such a great guy. #devastated #staceydash #fyp #sober” 

Many viewers were confused with Dash’s video, simply because the “Money, Power, & Respect” rapper passed away on April, 9. 2021. Several individuals accused Dash of being out of touch with her community

“This is no shade whatsoever but how can one be so out of touch with reality?”

“It’s either drugs or she been so out of touch from the black community” 

“She’s really that outta touch with black culture?” 

Although her video received a lot of backlash from fans who insisted the 55-year-old should’ve known this widely publicized information, there were few who gave Dash some grace and defended her emotions.

“Everybody not in touch with social media”

“Well she did state that she had been inside of rehab. Like d—, she probably really didn’t know.”

“I really think she was in rehab y’all.. They aren’t allowed on their phones usually, so I kind of believe her.” 

Dash’s emotions in the video stemmed from her understanding what it is to develop an addiction. According to Newsweek Magazine the “Clueless” actress went to a rehabilitation center in her 20s after developing a heavy drug addiction, Twenty years later, she decided to go a second time due to her relapsing after being prescribed “Vicodin to aid with painful fibroid cysts.”

In an interview with Dr. Oz, she revealed she was taking 18 to 20 pills a day and “no one knew.” As her interview came to a close, Dash explained she was able to “become a better person” throughout her trials.