A Kentucky mother is being held in custody at the Bullitt County Detention Center on charges of fatally shooting her two sons. Police arrested the Shepherdsville 32-year-old woman after a neighbor discovered the boys in a bedroom in her home in suburban Louisville.

Tiffany Lucas allegedly shot her 6- and 9-year-old sons inside their home on Wednesday, Nov. 8.  

Tiffanie Lucas with her two boys (Facebook Screengrab @TiffanieLucas)

“There were two victims in the bedroom. They were covered in blood and a gun on the bed,” the Chief Deputy of the Bullitt County Sheriff’s Office, Col. Alex Payne, said, according to WLKY.

A male neighbor said he saw the mother collapsed on a lawn chair outside of the home and ran into the house to see the gruesome sight after he “felt something was off.”

Emergency medical personnel rushed the boys to the Norton Children’s Hospital in Louisville, but both succumbed to their injuries there.

The white mother will be charged with the murder of her two biracial children, Jayden, 9, and Maurice, 6.

Just one week earlier, the mother took her two sons out for Halloween, as indicated by her Facebook post. The family embraced a Star Wars theme, with her dressed as Princess Leia Organa, Maurice as Yoda, and Jayden as Boba Fett.

Upon learning about the murder, Talia Crutcher, Lucas’ friend, expressed shock and disgust on social media. She wrote extensively about how the heinous act made her sick to her stomach, revealing that she had been with Lucas just days before.

“God I can only imagine the hell you have been putting your babies through all these years and they still loved you! To know that you killed them even though they loved you so much,” she wrote, in part. Adding, “She had to be hearing voices or some type of mental issue because this is not the Tiffany I know she would never hurt her babies!! NEVER!”

“I can’t believe this is real I can’t stop thinking about how scared they was or how much pain they was in before dying ! I swear everything that glitters is not gold ! They may look like they had a good life but clearly there was demons all throughout her,” Crutcher added.

According to the chief deputy, Lucas was a single mother raising the boys without paternal support.

The Chief Deputy Col. Alex Payne also believed there was a demon somewhere but didn’t know what kind.

“Whether you think it’s mental illness, just pure evil, a combination of both, it could be substance abuse, any combination thereof. Pick your poison. None of it’s good. The result is horrific,” Payne said.

He also noted that there were no other parents to be contacted about the deaths.

“The father of one of the victims is deceased. The father of the other victim is unknown. Whereabouts are unknown. Other family members, we got hold of and made notification,” Payne explained.

Lucas was arraigned on Thursday, Nov. 9, where a judge set her bond at $2 million.

Jayden’s brother Durrell Howard told WLKY he remembers his last time with the children.

“We just played a card game, just a card game. It was as simple as that and we had the best time. The best time ever,” Howard recalled.

Though he shared a father with only one of the boys — their dad died in 2019 — Howard was also a big brother figure to young Maurice, whose nickname was “Peanut.”

The big brother also said he wished she would have reached out to him before taking their lives.

“We wanted them. We would have taken them with open arms. We loved them so much,” he said in an interview, noting the mother had seen child protection authorities called on her multiple times over the years.

“I should have did more. If it came to me snatching the boys out of the house, I should have and I will hold that on my back for the rest of my life. For both them boys,” the bereaved big brother said.

He said his only comfort is that the boys are together.

“I just know Jayden and Peanut they’re together,” Howard said. “And I know our father was probably waiting on them, waiting on both of them.”

Lucas returns to court on Tuesday, Nov. 14.

Read the original story here.

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