Rayla Campbell is shown at Vice President Mike Pence rally for President Donald Trump at Port City Air on October 21, 2020, in Portsmouth, Massachusetts. | Source: MediaNews Group/Boston Herald via Getty Images / Getty

The Republican party sure is full of some imaginative people, isn’t it? From the right-wing narrative around critical race theory to the widespread voter fraud that doesn’t exist in America to the idea that Donald Trump actually won the election he clearly lost—the GOP appears to be, above all else, the party of making things up.

According to the Boston Globe, Rayla Campbell, the Republican candidate for secretary of state in Massachusetts (and another Black GOP lackey who knows she has to be extra to secure her seat at the whitey-friendly table), was speaking at the MassMutual Center in Springfield when she made a bold claim about what children are learning in school.

“You can’t just sit and go, ‘Oh, that’s terrible. Maybe somebody else will take care of it. Oh, that’s not so nice,’” Campbell said, just before jumping into the deep end of the pool of wannabe-white nonsense. “Well, I don’t think it’s nice when they’re telling your 5-year-old that he can go and suck another 5-year-old’s d***.”

MA GOP convention was in town and ooh wee. Here is the GOP’s nominee for sec of state with the wildest take of the year. Hopefully @SHODesusAndMero break it down next episode. pic.twitter.com/e7BpmI1YzQ

— Bone Jaw Nino (@BonjourNino) May 21, 2022


Suffice it to say, there is no school curriculum that is teaching 5-year-olds to perform oral sex on each other, or at all. I mean, Law & Order: SVU would’ve been dedicated an episode to that if it were true. So, it shouldn’t surprise anyone that Campbell made this claim without offering a shred of evidence to back it up.

But when Republican gubernatorial candidate Geoff Diehl addressed Campbell’s disgusting remarks, his issue didn’t appear to have anything to do with them being untrue, he was only interested in denouncing the language that she used during his party’s convention.

“That language is not appropriate and certainly nothing that would be discussing…or the way we conduct ourselves in office,” Diehl told reporters. Campbell also characterized Democrats as “evil,” and Diehl downplayed that, as well, saying that “the language that comes out of convention can get a little hyperbolic.”

Then Diehli made a quick segue to his grievance about racial awareness being taught in school.

From the Globe:

Diehl did, however, double down on the broader point Campbell was making, which is that the Democratic party has encouraged schools to teach children lessons some deem “inappropriate.”

When asked for an example, Diehl told reporters about how his daughter, a sophomore at Whitman Hanson Regional High School, who he says was required to sign a pledge to acknowledge her white privilege.

“My wife and I have done our best to try and get racism out of our household. It is the schools that are trying to tell my daughter she has racist problems,” he said. “I also think that some of the material we are seeing [taught] at young ages, kindergarten through third grade and maybe even beyond, related to sexual preference . . . well, I think it’s the parent’s right to talk to their kids about that.”

OK, so let’s just say it’s true that Diehl’s daughter was made to sign this pledge. Acknowledging white privilege is not the same as calling her a racist. Ultimately, conservatives are upset because things that are a reality in modern society that make them uncomfortable are being taught in schools.

Meanwhile, Campbell is out here making kiddie porn lesson claims without citing evidence and Diehl’s only issue is the language she used, not the fact that she’s spreading the kind of sick-minded propaganda that should have her booted from the party. So is he really concerned about indoctrination, or is he just concerned that the wrong kind of indoctrination is being taught?

After all, according to the Globe, Diehl is another MAGA minion who has helped spread the “big lie” that the 2020 presidential race was rigged and that Trump actually one—another claim that was made without a shred of evidence to support it.

At this point, why should any of us believe anything these people have to say?


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