Rep. Jasmine Crockett Teaches White People The Definition Of ‘Oppression’ At Anti-DEI Bill Meeting

Rep. Jasmine Crockett (D-TX) questions witnesses during a roundtable discussion on Supreme Court Ethics conducted by Democrats of the House Oversight and Accountability Committee at the Rayburn House Office Building on June 11, 2024, in Washington, D.C. | Source: Jemal Countess / Getty
On Wednesday, the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability held a meeting on the House floor to debate the GOP’s Dismantle DEI Act of 2024, which, of course, is essentially a “White People Want To Be Oppressed So Bad” bill aimed at ending any and all diversity, equity and inclusion practices throughout the federal government. As we previously reported, the bill was introduced by Rep. Michael Cloud (R-Texas), and an identical bill was introduced earlier this year by Vice President-elect and passionate Haitian hater JD Vance, both of whom have convinced themselves and the rest of MAGA America that “the DEI agenda is a destructive ideology that breeds hatred and racial division.”
Well, there was one congresswoman who we could all count on to keep it real while ruffling delicate Caucasian feathers, and it was none other than Rep. Jasmine Crockett (D-Texas), who gave GOP lawmakers a “vocabulary lesson,” because if they truly believe DEI “oppresses white men,” then they simply misunderstand the definition of oppression.
“Let me tell you that the reason that my colleagues wanted to make sure you understood the same Black history that your side of the aisle wants to delete out of classrooms is because you can then misuse words like ‘oppression’ — there has been no oppression for the white man in this country,” Crockett began.
“You tell me which white men were dragged out of their homes. You tell me which one of them got dragged all the way across an ocean and told that ‘you are going to go and work. We are going to steal your wives, we are going to rape your wives’ — that didn’t happen [to white people]. That is oppression,” she continued. “We didn’t ask to be here. We [are] not the same migrants that y’all constantly come up against. We didn’t run away from home, we were stolen.”
If you listen closely, you can hear the faint sounds of white conservatives rolling their eyes into the back of their heads because whenever they have to hear references to Black history that they didn’t have a chance to run through their whitewashing fragility filter first, their one and only instinct is to get their Confederate-clad drawers all in a bunch. Crockett likely knew that Republicans only want to hear about slavery when it’s time for them to remind America that Democrats were largely responsible for it — as if they’re not the ones currently the Confederacy, its leaders, its monuments and its flag as a legacy that should be celebrated.
But Crockett was far from done.
“So yeah, we are going to sit here and be offended when you want to sit here and act like — and don’t let it escape you that it is white men on this side of the aisle telling us, people of color on this side of the aisle that y’all are the ones being oppressed — that y’all are the ones being harmed,” she said. “That’s not the definition of oppression. You tell me the prolonged, cruel or unjust treatment that you’ve had, and we can have a conversation.”
“The final thing that I will say: diversity works, and until you can show me data that says otherwise, I think that we need to go back to being a country that listens to experts and gets out of our feelings and recognizes again that racism is real in this country. And until we stop pretending that it’s not, we will not solve the problems that we are consistently facing. And that will bring real unity we seek when we’re looking for a more perfect union.”
Now, we all know that when it comes to the MAGA world, everything Crockett said, no matter how truthful, fell on deaf ears. These are, after all, the same people who went to war against critical race theory without ever being able to demonstrate that they had a clue what CRT is. They also went to war against “wokeness,” a term they have all struggled to define. Conservatives don’t really want to get into the nitty-gritty of DEI and why the practice ever became necessary, because they can’t rely on hollow, self-serving platitudes during an in-depth discussion on diversity, equity and inclusion. They would have to show substantial evidence — not anecdotal nonsense and absurd white grievance pontificating — that DEI actively hurts white people, and, as Crockett indicated, that data simply doesn’t exist while statistical evidence of systemic racism exists in abundance.
As I’ve written plenty of times in the past, white men only dominate every major industry and entity in America, including the federal government, because they are the only demographic that has not been excluded from full access to the “American dream” for the overwhelming majority of American history. That’s why DEI exists, and it’s also why the only discussion white-and-fragile America wants to have about diversity is a discussion about dismantling it.
White supremacy is America’s default, and the current GOP, especially under Donald Trump’s chokehold, is dedicated to making that aspect of America great again.
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