Really? Ben Carson Says We Should Stop Testing Asymptomatic People For COVID-19 In Order To Slow Positive Cases
Ben Carson, the former Secretary of Housing and Urban Development who landed the position despite having zero experience in housing or urban development, recently made an appearance on conservative Pornhub network Fox News to give bad medical advice about COVID-19 testing despite being a certified doctor who was also a member of Donald Trump’s coronavirus task force.
“I personally think we should seriously give thought to not testing people who are asymptomatic,” Carson said. “Like I said, we’re going to end up with a real problem. We’re going to have massive numbers of people who test positive. What are we going to do? We’re going to shut everything down? It just doesn’t make any sense, and, particularly, when you’re dealing with something that doesn’t make people very sick.”
Ben Carson: I personally think we should seriously give thought to not testing people who are asymptomatic
— Acyn (@Acyn) December 22, 2021
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If Carson’s reasoning (if you can call it that) sounds familiar it’s because the guy who used to occupy the White House and use Carson’s eyelids as a weighted blanket tried the same argument and got dragged to hell and back for it. When Donald Trump said with a straight face that “if we stop testing right now, we’d have very few cases if any,” his own administration was so embarrassed by the ridiculousness of the statement that his staff members told media outlets he was just joking, only to have Trump double down on it.
Like Trump, Carson appears to be of the opinion that pretending the problem doesn’t exist will make it go away, which, incidentally, is also the Republican approach to dealing with racism, non-whitewashed American history, the Capitol riot and the tragic continued existence of Marjorie Taylor Greene.
Perhaps Carson is dealing with perpetually looking like he’s right in the middle of falling asleep by trapping himself in a 2020 time loop so he doesn’t fall completely unconscious. That would explain why after nearly 900,000 COVID-19 deaths in America alone, he’s still going with last years’ denial strategy of downplaying the danger of the pandemic.
Covid “doesn’t make people very sick?” Really? Even fellow Republicans Chris Christie, who recovered from COVID, got sick enough that he admitted he was wrong for downplaying the seriousness of the virus. And what about fellow COVID cons like Herman Cain and Republican Sen. Doug Ericksen who fought mask and vaccine mandates only to end up dying of the thing they treated like it was no big deal?
So much for telling Carson to get out of politics and stick to being a medical professional—apparently he’s useless at both.
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