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Black women voters aren’t planning on sitting out this election. According to new national polling data, Black women voters are highly motivated by the Dobbs decision to vote for Reproductive Justice.  

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In Our Own Voice: National Black Women’s Reproductive Justice Agenda polled Black women in seven states to measure the likely impact of the Dobbs decision, as well as other issues, on Black women’s voting decisions. Among those states were Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, and Texas. 

During the study, the organization found that the most significant shift in support of legal abortion was among Georgia voters. Data suggest approximately a 15-point increase in the percentage of Black women who say abortion rights are “extremely important” in getting out to vote.

“We know that Black women are even more motivated to vote because of the Dobbs decision,” said Marcela Howell, president and CEO of In Our Own Voice: National Black Women’s Reproductive Justice Agenda. “Abortion rights are now a higher voting priority across nearly all states, with more voters naming abortion among their top five issues after the Dobbs decision.”

They also revealed that Black female voters in the states below are opposed to abortion bans and feel much more likely to vote in the midterm elections because of this issue:

Florida (77%)
Georgia (77%)
Louisiana (77%)
Ohio (79%)
Pennsylvania (79%)
Tennessee (74%)
Texas (74%)

“There has always been overwhelming support for abortion rights among Black women voters,” said Howell. “But the overturning of Roe by the Supreme Court increased the percentage of Black women who say abortion rights are now in the top five of their voting issues along with racism/racial justice, gun violence, healthcare, and women’s rights. We are not single-issue voters and candidates need to understand that.”

Howell also mentioned that traditionally  Black women voters turn out in high numbers for presidential elections, then their numbers usually drop during mid-term elections. But this could all change come Election Day.

“Despite gerrymandering, voter intimidation, unfair voter ID laws, and purging African Americans and other people of color from the voting rolls, we believe Black voters will cast ballots in unprecedented numbers,” said Howell. “That turnout will be because Black women voters are motivated and because of campaigns, like our #IAMARJVOTER, dedicated to educating, and turning out voters to the polls on Election Day.”


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