Source: Kent Nishimura / Getty

Here’s a question: Why can’t Republicans leave former First Lady Michele Obama alone?

Honestly, both Barack and Michelle appear to be living rent-free in the Oval Office that resides in the minds of prominent white conservatives, but the fact that they still appear to be so pressed and obsessed with the Obama who wasn’t even president is just weird, and, at this point, a clear indication of their deep misogynoir.

Earlier this week, has been politician Newt Gingrich crawled out of whatever hole newts crawl into and decided it was his turn to come for Obama. For months, Republicans have been expressing their paranoia that Michelle Obama is going to replace President Joe Biden as the Democratic nominee for president in 2024, despite the fact that she has said multiple times that she’s not running, and despite the fact that even if she was planning to run, she would be pretty damn late kicking off her campaign.

Not only did Gingrich arbitrarily speculate about what Michelle’s presidential run would look like—even after acknowledging that she wasn’t going to run—but he appeared to take issue with the pride she takes in being a Black woman.

I’ll bet he’s never even had a conversation w/her. Probably were never in the same room. Why are Rs so effin’ racist?

— ScruffyR (MAGAts BLOCKED) (@ScruffyRoses) February 27, 2024

From HuffPost:

During an appearance on Sean Hannity’s radio show, the GOP former House speaker opined on possible substitutes for President Joe Biden in the 2024 election amid concerns around his mental capacity. Gingrich predicted that a run by California Gov. Gavin Newsom would “disintegrate” and said Michelle Obama “is not going to run,” presumably in reference to speculation about the ex-first lady replacing Biden.

Both Gingrich and Hannity agreed that the notion was off-base, but Gingrich didn’t stop there, as he went on to explore Michelle Obama’s prospects with sketchy terminology.

“First of all, she’s more radical than Barack, and she’s more racially intense than Barack,” he said.

WTF does “more racially intense” even mean? Coming from a white conservative, Gingrich could literally just be referring to Obama being unapologetic in expressing her pride as a Black woman. That’s really all it takes for members of the old, white and fragile party to start wetting their anti-woke underwear while furiously typing, “What if there was a White History Month?”

Gingrich wasn’t done being absurd with his off-color (so to speak) remark about Michelle. He also appears to believe that if she ran, her campaign would struggle once she had to explain to voters why she and her husband*checks notes*—have money.

“And she can’t explain the amount of money they’ve got, the size of their mansion. I mean, you know, they managed for eight years to live out a myth that was a lie — that they were really normal everyday people, but they’re not,” Gingrich said. “And they’re both radicals, but she’s much like Hillary is much more radical than Bill Clinton. Michelle is more radical than Barack. And that would not work very well in a national campaign.”

OK, what the hell are we even talking about here? Besides the fact that rich white men have been running America for as long as America has been a thing, if Obama was running for president, her opponent in the general election would likely be a famously rich man from a famously rich family who has famously run on the fiction that he is a champion for the common man. Donald Trump has broke-ass MAGA rubes across the country exalting him as the shrewd businessman who will abracadabra their rags into riches (or at least moderately cleaner rags), but the Black woman needs to explain to America why her family is part of the upper class?

Is it possible that Gingrich is just racistsorry—more racially intense?

Last September, former Fox News host Megyn Kelly sat down with Newsmax’s Eric Bolling so the two could construct an entire imaginary world where Obama was running for president. They didn’t even bother acknowledging that she had said over and over that she had no interest in running. Instead, Kelly insisted that the Obamas are secretly running the Biden administration, that Michelle is seen as a “savior figure by the Democrats,” and that she would “galvanize” Republicans against her by calling them racist because she hates America.

Megyn Kelly: “There are a lot of people who think the Obamas are already running the government and that there is some sort of shadow puppet situation going on that they’re controlling.”

She then tells Michelle Obama conservatives hate her because “you don’t like America.”

— Justin Baragona (@justinbaragona) September 6, 2023

Here’s what I wrote about that:

So, Kelly and Bolling have constructed in their own minds a scenario where Michelle is running for president despite the fact that she has said without a shred of ambiguity that she is not. And while serving as a make-believe “savior figure” to make-believe Democrats in this completely make-believe scenario—in which the Obamas are also the current administration’s make-believe puppet masters—Michelle has galvanized make-believe Republicans. And then Michelle had the make-believe nerve to play the make-believe race card in explaining why. Unbelievable! (Literally.)

Come on, Kelly, you couldn’t possibly be this angry over the fiction you just created.

Meanwhile, since Barack left office eight years ago, he and Michelle haven’t done much at all in the public eye except promote books, occasionally express opinions, celebrate their daughters, and love on each other. Yet, somehow, that hasn’t made the Republicans who hate them any less miserable.



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The post Newt Gingrich Says Michelle Obama Is Too ‘Racially Intense’ In Weird Rant About Imaginary Presidential Run appeared first on NewsOne.