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On Monday, another woman took the witness stand to testify that, as a teenager, she was abused by disgraced R&B icon R Kelly. The now-23-year-old woman said she was forced into a sexual and abusive relationship she never wanted with the self-proclaimed Pied Piper, who she said infected her with a sexually transmitted disease.

According to the Associated Press, the woman was identified only as “Jane Doe” as she testified during Kelly’s federal trial in New York where he faces racketeering and sex trafficking charges.

She testified that as a 17-year-old high school student and aspiring singer, she met Kelly in 2015 while he was on his “Black Panties” tour. She said she told him she was 18 but she wasn’t interested in any sexual relationship with the man who would have been in his late 40s at the time.

“I just wanted to sing,” she said. “I genuinely wanted his input.”

MORE: R. Kelly Timeline: 25 Years Of Sexual Misconduct Allegations Against Disgraced Singer

At one point Kelly offered her an audition but said he needed to ejaculate first before that could happen, according to the woman’s testimony. She said soon after that, the two began having sex, and Kelly—who she said was recording their sexual acts—slapped her across her face when she eventually revealed to him that she was underaged. He slapped her, but he continued to sexually abuse her after that, she said.

The alleged victim also testified that she contracted herpes from Kelly, who she said knowingly passed it on to her without disclosing that he had it.

“This man purposely gave me something he knew he had,” she said. “He could have controlled the situation.”

In fact, according to CNN, the woman—who defense attorney Nicole Blank Becker characterized in opening statements as a “long-term girlfriend” of Kelly, and not a teenager he was abusing—said when she told Kelly he’d given her herpes, “he was agitated and said that I could have gotten that from anyone,” to which she responded by telling him “that I had only been intimate with him.”

She noted that she would “continually” get herpes outbreaks while having sex with Kelly and his response to that was to tell her, “I think your p***y is broken.”

As disgusting as all that is, Jane Doe’s testimony got even more disturbing as she described physical abuse she endured, humiliating acts she was made to perform and rules she alleged Kelly had put in place for her to follow at all times.

She said she was told to call her accused abuser “Daddy” and that she was told how to dress, who she was allowed to speak to and even when she could use the bathroom, according to AP.  Last week, another woman who said Kelly began abusing her in 2010 when she was 16, Jerhonda Pace, shared similar testimony saying, “He wanted me to put my hair up in pigtails and dress like a Girl Scout.”

During her testimony, Jane Doe read from a list she wrote to herself of ways she could stay out of trouble with the embattled singer.

“Stop defending myself. Anything daddy says is to help me,” she read. “Thank him and be happy and fix the problem.”

Still, it gets worse.

“I would get chastised nearly every two to three days. Spankings,” Jane Doe testified. “He would leave bruises and sometimes it would make my skin tear.”

She also said that in one of the videos Kelly recorded, she was ordered to smear feces on her face.

“He told me exactly what to do in the video,” she said. “He told me to smear it in my face and what to exactly say and to, like, put it in my mouth and act like I enjoyed that.”

She testified that she often tried to run from Kelly and to fight back, but she was “no match” for her alleged abuser.


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