Nene Leakes Denies That She Was Dropped By Her Team After Calling Out Her Manager Over Racism, Claims She Has Emails and Text Messages
Nene Leakes took to social media on Feb. 9, to combat the claims that most of the former reality star’s team, including her manager Steven Grossman and attorney Darrell Miller of Fox Rothschild LLP, dropped her. This announcement comes a day after a source stated that the motive behind the alleged severed ties was because Leakes was “impossible to work with for a very long time.”
Leakes wrote, saying in the only statement to the public regarding the topic, “For all of you that are asking, emailing, in boxing, blogging, reporting etc. The ONLY statement I have…My team DID NOT let me go! No further statements at this time.”

Following the allegations, the former reality star from “The Real Housewives of Atlanta” called out her manager and attorney on Twitter on Feb. 8, for allegedly choosing the opposing side during her battle with the Bravo Network and executive producer Andy Cohen. She wrote in a now-deleted tweet, “You can’t turn on your teammate and get away with this @stevengrossman #DarrellMiller #Foxrothschild suppression, retaliation, discrimination, unequal pay, devaluation against black women is real, it’s painful, and it hurts.”
Leakes added she would continue to fight for women’s’ rights, while she also included a note to Bravo and Cohen to rectify the situation. “I will fight for all women rights PS: FIX IT.”
The 53-year-old informed her followers in subsequent tweets that she doesn’t watch “RHOA” or tweet about it. The only thing that she cares about is bringing light to the alleged behind-the-scenes mistreatment and abuse of which viewers aren’t aware.
“Sorry abt my typos! I don’t tweet abt the show, i do not watch the show, i don’t talk abt the show & i don’t talk abt the girls. My concern is the treatment & abuse behind the scenes that you DO NOT see. Please don’t make fun of that. It’s real, painful & it’s happening.”
She added she has proof to back up such claims. “I have numerous emails, text messages, RHOA group text, voice recording that go back yearsssss. I never got rid of anything! Fix your dirty work. Being a racist is so yesterday.”
Last week, Leakes accused Bravo of bribing managers, lawyers, agents, and even “RHOA” to continue to do their “dirty work” — by aiding to Leakes’ mistreatment — while asking fans to protest against the network.
“They pay off & reward lawyers, managers, agents & even certain cast members to keep their dirty work going. I won’t stop speaking out until something is done. I will call names if need be.”
The “RHOA” OG also called out her former co-star Porsha Williams, when a fan asked why the “Dish Nation” co-host wasn’t supporting her regarding the alleged discrimination against the network. She explained, “They scared to lose their checks but you can’t let them get away with Discrimination, retaliation and blacklisting and unequal pay! There’s power in numbers. I will start calling EVERYBODY OUT.”
Leakes announced she was leaving “RHOA” last year, following negotiation disputes.