Lafayette City Court Judge Michelle Odinet is now former Lafayette City Court Judge Michelle Odinet now that she has finally resigned following the fallout from an N-word-laced rant being caught on camera and going viral.

This is DISGUSTING! Judge Michelle Odinet is captured on video using racial slurs while reviewing home security footage. People’s lives are in HER HANDS on a daily basis. This level of hate & racial bias should not be in our courtrooms! She needs to RESIGN!

— Ben Crump (@AttorneyCrump) December 15, 2021

First, let’s just acknowledge a tiny bit of sweet irony. A Black man allegedly tried to burglarize Odinet’s home setting off a series of events that led to a racist judge removing herself from the bench and away from a position to hold the lives or livelihoods of Black defendants in her hands.

I’m not saying the Black man should have tried to rob her, I’m just saying the universe works in mysterious ways.

As previously reported, video footage showed Odinet and her family members watching what appeared to be surveillance footage of the attempted burglary and, because the suspect happed to be Black, they were caught repeating racial slurs like they were pledging some KKK fraternity. (MAGA Psi Phi?)

Since then, calls for Odinet’s resignation have mounted causing her to take unpaid leave, she and her son both got outed as moronic anti-maskers and a New Orleans district attorney ordered a full review of every case she ever handled as a prosecutor.

So maybe the repercussions for her racism finally became too much and Odinet simply decided to pack up her gavel and go back to whatever hole KK-Karens hang their decorative nooses from.

“I take full responsibility for the hurtful words I used to describe the individual who burglarized the vehicles at my home,” Odinet said in her resignation letter, according to the New York Times. “I am sorry for the pain that I have caused my community and ask for your forgiveness, as my words did not foster the public’s confidence and integrity for the judiciary.”

“After much reflection and prayer, and in order to facilitate healing within the community, I hereby resign as judge of the Lafayette City Court effective immediately,” she continued.

This, of course, is a departure from her initial “apology” in which she asked for “forgiveness and understanding,” made sure to refer to herself and her family as “victims” and failed to “take full responsibility” for her “hurtful words” and instead appeared to blame her behavior on the sedatives she claimed to have taken.

What a difference a couple of weeks and a butt-load of anti-racism pressure makes.


After N-Word-Laced Home Video, Louisiana Judge Asks For ‘Understanding’ And ‘Forgiveness’

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