In today’s episode of What Would Sunken Place Jesus Do? Republican North Carolina Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson has recently found himself under fire for catching the bigot holy ghost while speaking at churches to denounce educators for teaching students about the LGBTQ community. Now, calls are mounting for the Black GOPoor decision-maker to resign, but Robinson is letting it be known that he will not bow down to the evil tyranny of, well, basic human decency.

First, let’s get into what all Robinson said.

According to the Washington Post, the video that brought Robinson’s hateful views to light took place in June, during Pride month, at Asbury Baptist Church in Seagrove, N.C.

North Carolina Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson says Christians must take control of public schools because children are being abused by being taught “filth”: “There’s no reason anybody anywhere in America should be telling any child about transgenderism, homosexuality, any of that filth.”

— Right Wing Watch (@RightWingWatch) October 6, 2021

“It is flat out child abuse to take your children and tell them they have to attend school—don’t have a choice—and then some of them will tell them they don’t have a choice where they go to school,” the Black GOPropagandist said. “You have to send your children here to school.”

“Then when they get there, what do they teach you?” Robinson continued. “Teach them a bunch of stuff about how to hate America. Teach them a bunch of stuff about why they are racist. Teach them a bunch of stuff about transgederism and homosexuality. I’m saying this now, and I’ve been saying it, and I don’t care who likes it: Those issues have no place in a school. “There’s no reason anybody anywhere in America should be telling any child about transgenderism, homosexuality—any of that filth.”

OK, calm down, Negro Pat Robertson.

It’s bad enough that the GOPicker of white nationalist cotton takes issue with students being taught about racism and is tap-dancing across the party line that says to teach about America’s less than righteous history is akin to hating America—I mean, that’s just par for the house negro course—but the vitriol spewed at trans and homosexual people is ridiculous, and it’s all because school teachers might be teaching students about their existence in an effort to educate away the very ignorance Robinson is perpetuating.

The speech at Asbury was likely not Robinson’s first “I heart holy hate” rodeo, but we know for sure it wasn’t his last.

According to, two months after the Asbury appearance, The GOProbably-in-the-closet member appeared at the Upper Room Church of God in Christ where he went well beyond the “thou doth protest too much” point in his anti-LGBTQ campaign.

“If there’s a movement in this country that is demonic and is full of antithe spirit of the antichrist, it is the transgender movement,” he said before going on to compare trans people to someone dressed up like a dog.

“They’re dragging our kids down into the pit of Hell trying to teach them that mess in our schools,” he continued. “Two plus two don’t equal transgender; it equals four. You need to get back to teaching them how to read instead of teaching them how to go to Hell. Yeah, I said it, and I mean it.”

Apparently, he wants them teaching common-bigot-core math as well.

Anyway, multiple Democrats in the North Carolina legislature have called for the GOPlease-just-stop-sir queer-phobe to step down.

Mark Robinson is a disgrace and an embarrassment to our state – he should resign immediately.

I stand with the LGBTQ Community and hope you will join me in condemning this hate speech from the most senior Republican elected official in state government.

— Senator Wiley Nickel (@wileynickel) October 9, 2021

North Carolina’s Lt. Governor, Mark Robinson, just angrily referred to the LGBTQ community as “filth.”

Then he says, “Yes, I called it filth.”

There’s no debate here. This is open discrimination. It is completely unacceptable.

Mark Robinson should resign.

— Sen. Jeff Jackson (@JeffJacksonNC) October 7, 2021

But because conservatives tend to think being openly bigoted makes them brave warriors against, well, again, basic human decency, Robinson answered the calls for him to resign by doing the fake martyr thing in a video response.

“Let me tell you plainly right here and right now: I will not back down, I will not be silent, and I will not be bullied into submission,” he said while continuing his attempt at bullying an entire marginalized community into submission.


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