I have been dating my boyfriend for seven months now, and things are going great between us. We met at a club in the city and exchanged numbers. Ever since that night, we’ve been together day in and day out. He has his own place on the other side of town but generally posts up with me, which I love.

I want to broach the subject of him not renewing his lease and moving in with me, but I’m nervous I’ll run him off. He makes jokes about living together all the time, so maybe he won’t be too caught off guard if I bring it up in casual conversation. We had dinner last night, and I decided to mention how much I would love it if he were to move in with me.

Stock image of black couple in the bedroom. (Photo: Pexels.com)

My boyfriend told me he couldn’t move in with me, but the reason shocked me beyond belief. He told me he is married. I couldn’t believe it! He’s been married the whole time he’s been dating me, and I’ve been clueless.

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Today, I received several phone calls from a number I don’t recognize. Finally, I decided to answer. The woman identified herself as my boyfriend’s wife. She told me that she knew everything about me and that she would like me to kindly return her husband to her.

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To be honest, I don’t want him to go back because, as far as I’m concerned, he’s mine. The wife keeps on calling me for different numbers, so I told my boyfriend about our conversation. He told me to change my number, at which point I refused because I’d had this number for a decade. I asked him if he planned to go back to her, and he assured me that it’s over and wants me to help him divorce her. I agreed.

Am I wrong for keeping someone’s husband away from them intentionally?

Read the original story here.

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