My Boyfriend Wants Me to Help Him Pay Off His College Loan Debt, If I Don’t He May Leave Me
My family has always been big on education. Both of my parents were college professors and have their doctorate degrees in education. I just graduated college, along with my boyfriend. He has decided to move into the workforce, and I’m going to continue my education and go for my master’s degree.
My parents and I have an agreement that as long as I’m in school, they will continue to support me by giving me a monthly stipend to help me eat and pay bills. It’s a liberal amount, and my boyfriend knows about it. Recently, he came to me with what he thought was a bright idea. He suggested that I use some of my stipend and also money from my loans and grants to help him repay his student loans.
His thinking is that if we work together to pay off his loans and he ends up with a higher-paying job, then he can help me pay off my loans by the time I’m finished with my master’s program. I absolutely detest the idea and told him so. The money my parents are giving me is to help me survive, and while I can afford to help him a little, I really don’t want to, if I’m being honest. I feel like he needs to pay as much as he can now until he gets a higher-paying job that will allow him to really start paying back more.
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During a recent argument, the ‘s’ word came out. He’s never called me selfish before, but now he’s calling me all sorts of names that have to do with me withholding money from him. He says he doesn’t want to be with someone who’s not willing to build with him and support him.
My concern is, what if we don’t stay together, and I’ve put money out to be his ride or die and support him and his debt? I’ll be looking mighty stupid if this ends up being the case, and I don’t want to chance it.
Should I stick to my guns and allow my boyfriend to struggle to repay his student loans or help him along the way?
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