Mom Evicts Patriot Front Member As Idaho Cops Get Death Threats For Arresting White Supremacists
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On Monday, we reported that 31 alleged white supremacists from the white nationalist group Patriot Front came to Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, and were arrested after they were spotted packing themselves into a U-Haul truck with tactical gear and accused of conspiring to start a riot during a Pride parade in the city.
Since news broke of the arrests of this pack of rabid white men who were apparently trapped in their natural state of being inexplicably angry about things, there have been a couple of updates. And those updates lead us to one conclusion: White men in America are not OK.
Meet Jared Michael Boyce of Springville, Utah.
Mugshots of the 31 members of Patriot Front who were arrested in Coeur d’Alene for conspiracy to riot, a misdemeanor.
All have posted bail.
– Jared Michael Boyce, 27, of Soringville, Utah
– Nathan David Brenner, 26, of Louisville, Colorado
— Kaye Thornbrugh (@KayeThornbrugh) June 12, 2022
Boyce, 27, is one of the 31 Patriot Front members arrested over the weekend.
Notwithstanding, he has also reportedly been kicked out of his mother’s house because he refused to leave his little boys club of grown white men who seem to prefer U-Hauls to literally any vehicle that’s actually designed to transport groups of people.
And Boyce’s mother has not been shy about putting her son on full blast.
“I would love to do whatever I can to out him (as a Patriot Front member) so that he can’t be a part of it,” Karen Amsden, Boyce’s mother, told the Daily Beast, “And that they don’t want him to be a part of their group because his mom has loose lips and a big mouth and he’s never going to get away with anything.”
Amsden also said Boyce has been trying to fill “a void” in his life ever since his father left years ago and came out as gay, which could explain why he was all in on an alleged plot to disrupt a Pride event.
Amsden said her son had been coping with his issues since he was a young teenager but that he’d always dealt with them peacefully … until the Patriot Front got ahold of him.
“But he totally changed when he found this group,” Amsden continued. “I first understood how far he’d gone when he was denying the Holocaust—and one of my personal heroes is Anne Frank. And when he told me that, I thought he was kidding. Like, how can you? I just didn’t even know what to say.”
Amsden said Boyce is “so misguided and bought into all their rhetoric,” adding: “It just makes me sick.”
She said she hopes her son’s arrest is a “wake-up call” to quit Patriot Front.
But apparently, that is not the case since he is maintaining his allegiance to the hate group.
“I told him, ‘Well, then you can’t live here. You can choose between Patriot Front and your family,’” she said, “And he’s like, ‘Well, I can’t quit Patriot Front.’ I’m like, ‘Well, then you’ve just chosen. So pack your stuff and get out of my house.’”
Imagine being a 27-year-old getting kicked out of your mom’s house because you and your friends prefer white supremacy to therapy. It’s almost as if Boyce is really just angry about being such a profound loser.
While living in Utah in early August, 2018, Jared trekked all the way to Portland, Oregon to attend a Patriot Prayer rally. Patriot Prayer is known for its xenophobia, islamophobia, and antagonistic rallies across the Pacific Northwest.
— Garfield but Anti-Fascist (@AntifaGarfield) March 17, 2020
To top it all off, Jared can be found posting blatant white supremacy on the white supremacist 4Chan board /pol/. Notice his support for anti-semite Patrick Little. Oh, and he also wants to start a far right militia called Lady Liberty’s Minutemen (pick a better name Jared).
— Garfield but Anti-Fascist (@AntifaGarfield) March 17, 2020
Mind you, according to the Daily Beast, other Patriot Front members who were arrested include 24-year-old Mitchell Frederick Wagner, who was already facing charges for allegedly vandalizing a Black history mural in St. Louis last year. Twenty-four-year-old Josiah Buster, a former specialist in the U.S. Army, and his 22-year-old brother, Mishael. were also among those arrested. (This is the part where I remind you the notion of bigotry dying out with older generations of white people is a whole sham.)
Meanwhile, according to the Idaho Statesmen, Coeur d’Alene Police Chief Lee White reported that Coeur d’Alene police officers have been getting death threats just for arresting the Patriot Front members.
From the Statesmen:
The police department received 149 phone calls on Monday morning about the arrests, including one from as far away as Norway, White said. He said they were a ”50/50 split,” between local calls of support for the police and anonymous angry calls from those upset about the arrests. White confirmed that users on far-right social media platforms have doxxed Coeur d’Alene officers, publicly identifying them and publishing personal information about them online.
“The other 50%, who are completely anonymous, who want nothing more than to scream and yell at us and use really choice words, offered death threats against myself and other members of the police department merely for doing our jobs,” White said.
Apparently, these people are “patriots,” but not “back the blue” patriots.
And, again, these people are not OK.
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