Missouri Supreme Court Puts Mark and Patricia McCloskey’s Law Licenses On Probation Instead Of Suspension
Source: St. Louis Post-Dispatch / Getty
Do y’all remember Mark and Patricia McCloskey, the Kroger brand Boris and Natasha couple from St. Louis who mistook a crowd of Black Lives Matter protesters for Rocky and Bullwinkle and just started pointing their guns at them recklessly then started playing the victim by pretending they were being terrorized? (Either that or they’re just a couple of racists who were so afraid of Black people who weren’t even studying them that their first thought was to go full Call of Duty: Whypipo War on them.)
MORE: Grand Jury Indicts St. Louis Couple Who Brandished Weapons At Peaceful Protesters For Sport
Well recently, the Dollar Store Bonnie and Clyde couple came very close to having their law licenses suspended behind their crimes, but white privilege stepped in right on time and placed them on probation for a year instead.
They’re still mad though.
According to NPR, the Missouri Supreme Court on Tuesday indefinitely suspended the McCloskeys’ licenses after Missouri’s chief disciplinary counsel petitioned the court to do so. But the court must have had a soft spot in its heart for the Great Value Thelma’s husband & Louise couple because it stayed their suspensions and placed them on probation for a year instead.
Source: Nathan Howard / Getty
“The probation terms require the McCloskeys, in written quarterly reports, to note any arrests, criminal charges, civil lawsuits, disputes with clients, investigations questioning their fitness to practice law, and reports of additional disciplinary complaints,” NPR reported. They’ve also been ordered to provide 100 hours of pro bono legal services during their probation and if they violate these terms their licenses will be suspended indefinitely.
“I disagree with the (Missouri) Supreme Court that what we did on our front porch constituted a misdemeanor offense involving moral turpitude,” Mark told NPR. “I don’t think we acted in moral turpitude at all.” Despite his continued denial that he and his partner in crime did anything wrong, he said he “will respectfully cooperate with and fully perform my probation.”
Yeah, whatever Bargain Basement Mr. and Mrs. Smith, just do your time and go away. I guess playing the victim is still a part of their agenda.
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