Missouri Parents Outraged By School Assignment About Racism In Politics
Source: Photo by Michael Russell / Getty
So, parents of students at a Missouri high school are big mad about an advanced placement government course assignment that asks which political party is most likely to deny racism was involved in an incident where an unarmed Black man is shot by cops. The answer, of course, is Republicans, but my thing is—why are they mad at the obvious truth? I thought conservatives prided themselves on their “back the blue” and “stop playing the race card” mentalities.
According to Fox News (yeah, I know, but bear with me), “the question appeared on an in-class online assignment at a Holt High School advanced placement government course. It asked students which political party is most likely to believe that the ‘fatal shootings of unarmed African American men by police officers’ is not due to racism.”
This was a question given to students in a Missouri high school in @WSDinfo. pic.twitter.com/ki3KWY8hIq
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) May 5, 2022
Again, where’s the lie? Conservatives—people who are far more likely to identify as Republican than anything else—are America’s champions of the words “not everything is about race.” Those words are scripture in white people’s I Don’t See Any Color But Blue bible right up there with, “What about Black-on-Black crime?” “He should have complied” and “white people get shot by police too, but the media doesn’t talk about that.” From George Floyd to Michael Brown to Eric Garner, every high-profile case involving a Black police violence victim came with a wave of conservative counter-narratives that all revolved around one conclusion: Race had nothing to do with it. And they always proclaimed this proudly. So what—are they suddenly ashamed now that their children are learning about it? After all, the assignment question doesn’t even suggest that Republicans are wrong—just that this is what most of them believe.
“It’s disheartening to see that this type of indoctrination has been instilled in our public schools,” Republican Missouri State Rep. Nick Schroer told Fox & Friends on Monday, according to Fox News, which also noted that “Schroer recalled that when he was in school, the political views and personal lives of teachers were not typically known by students.”
“I didn’t know their pronouns and didn’t know if they were married but now we’re injecting these seeds of hate, these seeds of Marxism to destroy this next generation that should be preparing to be the next generation taking on the American dream, becoming successful adults and instead, we’re making them hate their country because of all of this hate that they’re injecting into our curriculum,” he said.
So, now even telling students the truth about how Republicans typically feel about police shooting incidents involving Black men is “indoctrination” and “Marxism.” And what does any of this have to do with pronouns? At this point, I’m pretty sure they’re just pulling these terms out of a “right-wing buzzwords” lottery for propaganda purposes—but please, tell us more about how everyone else is trying to indoctrinate the youth.
I mean, are Republicans not virtually always the roadblock standing in the way of police reform legislation? Are they not the ones who highjacked Black Lives Matter terminology in favor of a “blue lives matter” and “all lives matter” deflection?
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think Democrats care about systemic racism in policing unless it’s politically convenient for them to care, but they aren’t the ones who constantly go out of their way to make sure they’re heard denying that racism is an inherent problem in America—that would be the guys across the political aisle.
I mean, if they’re upset their children are going to learn how trash they are, they should just say that.