Mexican American Karen Caught On Video Attacking Indian Women Could Face Hate Crime Charge
U.S. flag, Texas flag, and Plano city flag is shown in front of Plano Police Station in Plano, Texas. | Source: Xinhua News Agency / Getty
Last week, we reported that a Plano, Texas, woman who described herself as Mexican-American—despite showing all signs of being a plain-ol’ Plano KKKaren—was arrested and charged with assault, bodily injury and terroristic threats after she was caught on video harassing and physically attacking a group of Indian women who had committed the heinous crime of—existing.
Well, now, the bigoted Betsy, identified as 58-year-old Esmeralda Upton, is out on bond and police officials investigating the incident are saying she could face more charges.
According to Fox 4, authorities didn’t specify what additional charges Upton might be looking at, but Urmeet Juneja, president of the India Association of North Texas, said he and his organization “will leave it to them to decide the future course of action.”
On Thursday, August 25, 2022, at approximately 3:50 p.m., Plano Police Detectives arrested Esmeralda Upton of Plano on one charge of Assault Bodily Injury and one for Terroristic Threats and is being held on a total bond amount of $10,000. A jail photo is attached.
— Plano Police (Texas) (@PlanoPoliceDept) August 25, 2022
“It was shocking,” Juneja said of the viral incident. “It was really shocking because we have been here a long time. Many, many years.”
“It’s not just against the Indian community, but hate crimes against any race or country,” he added.
Fox 4 also noted that despite the police arriving minutes after one of the victims of Upton’s attack, she wasn’t arrested until 24 hours later. Police said Upton was allowed to go home because the attack didn’t happen in front of them—and, apparently, we’re all supposed to pretend that makes sense when the victims recorded the attack and Upton can be clearly seen harassing and physically attacking them.
This racist attacking these innocent women is Esmi Upton of Plano, Texas. Full name: Esmeralda Armendarez-Upton, she is a realtor for California Federal Bank. She is a parishioner at Prince of Peace Catholic Church in Plano, TX.
She wants to be famous for all the wrong reasons.
— Johnny Akzam (@JohnnyAkzam) August 25, 2022
Another view of this event where you can hear at the end that she says she is going to get out her gun on shoot one of the women.
They’re in Texas. It’s likely she was carrying.
— Johnny Akzam (@JohnnyAkzam) August 25, 2022
I mean, what’s the point of recording video footage that clearly shows a crime being committed against you if the alleged perpetrator still gets to leave the scene?
Anyway, the Plano Police department said it’s working with the FBI and the Department of Justice on the case. Hopefully, that means Upton will be held accountable. Racists need to be more afraid to be racist in public than they currently are.
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