The current Georgia senator was quickly called out online following her response to the claim she sat down with white supremacist

Georgia U.S. Sen. Kelly Loeffler became a trending topic on Sunday night after her debate with Democratic challenger Rev. Raphael Warnock, but maybe not for the reasons she’d hoped.

Loeffler, who spent much of the debate repeatedly calling Rev. Warnock a “radical liberal” and referring to her multi-million-dollar fortune as the “American Dream,” refused to acknowledge that President Donald Trump lost the 2020 presidential election against President-elect Joe Biden.

What’s more, in an attempt to deny she is a racist, Loeffler used a phrase often scoffed at by minorities as the surest way to disprove you’re not a racist.

Read More: Georgia senator Loeffler possibly violated ethics rules with campaign fundraising ask

Left to right: Rev. Raphael Warnock and U.S. Sen. Kelly Loeffler. (Photo: Getty Images)

“There’s not a racist bone in my body,” Loeffler said in response to Warnock pointing out her public fight with the Black team members of the Atlanta Dream — the WNBA team she owns — and sitting down for an interview with a TV pundit who has ties to white supremacists.

“A multiracial coalition pouring out into American streets after the tragic deaths of Georgia Floyd and Breonna Taylor and so many others. And what did Kelly Loeffler do? She used her enormous privilege and power as a U.S. senator to pick a fight with the Black women on her [WNBA] team,” said Rev. Warnock, senior pastor of Martin Luther King Jr.‘s Ebenezer Baptist Church.

“She says she is against racism and racism has no place, but she welcomed the support of a QAnon conspiracy theorist and she sat down with a white supremacist for an interview … I don’t think she can explain that.”

Read More: Rev. Raphael Warnock responds to GOP Sen. Kelly Loeffler’s campaign attacks

Loeffler’s “racist bone” retort was quickly called out online amid the debate just weeks before the Jan. 5 runoff in Georgia.

“In my experience, anyone who has to say, “I don’t have a racist bone in my body” like Kelly Loeffler just said, is generally a racist,” tweeted user @bblock29.

“Radical robot Kelly Loeffler said, “There isn’t a racist bone in my body.” That’s exactly what Trump said,” tweeted radio host Clay Cane.

Political strategist Atima Omara tweeted, “There’s not a racist bone in my body” -Kelly Loeffler. The women’s basketball team you own would like a word…”

During the debate, Loeffler also refused to acknowledge Trump’s defeat in this year’s election, despite Biden picking up 306 electoral votes and most states, including Georgia, certifying their votes. Interestingly, she also refused to back up Trump’s claim that the election was rigged nor did she answer the question of whether she agreed with Trump’s attacks on Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp, a Republican, for not backing Trump’s false voter fraud claims.

Following the debate in which Loeffler consistently called Rev. Warnock a “radical liberal” and attacked statements he’s made during his sermons, Warnock shared an image of Loeffler sitting right behind him on the Ebenezer Baptist Church pulpit as a guest.

“If Sen. Kelly Loeffler really believed the attacks she’s making, why did she visit my church back in January?” he captioned.

In a recent interview with theGrio, Warnock dismissed Loeffler’s political assails as a distraction and an attempt to other him. The reverend also took aim at Loeffler’s wealth and called into question her family’s business interests.

“I’m running for the United States Senate against the wealthiest member of Congress whose family owns a company that literally owns the New York Stock Exchange. And I don’t say that as a figure of speech or out of a sense of hyperbole. They own the New York Stock Exchange,” said Warnock, referring to Loeffler’s husband Jeff Sprecher, who is the CEO and chairman of Intercontinental Exchange, which owns the New York Stock Exchange.

“Most of the people I know are just trying to have a few dollars on the exchange. Only in America is that possible.”

Warnock added, “I’m not going to be distracted by the politics of fear and division … we know what they’re doing, these are all ways of saying that he’s something other than you. And it’s really unfortunate that people are still trafficking in this kind of politics.”

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