Tammy Rivera took to Instagram on Monday, Aug. 9, to justify her daughter Charlie Rivera‘s back-to-school ensemble after critics condemned her for allowing the 16-year-old to wear what they considered was “too grown.”  

Rivera initially posted two photos of Charlie showcasing the yellow-and-black plaid outfit, including a jacket and a skirt donned with high-heeled Timberland boots. Things took a turn for the worse after the 35-year-old disclosed that Charlie was attending her first day of school when the initial snaps were shot in the caption. “First day in school she in the hallway taking pics! TAKE YO A– TO CLASS!!! @tammiesangel don’t make me come up there.”  

Tammy Rivera defends her daughter Charlie Rivera’s outfit for the first day of school. Photo:@charliesangelll/Instagram

Once those images began circulating on social media, many people pointed out how short Charlie’s shirt was and felt she wasn’t dressed appropriately for a public setting. Immediately following the harsh feedback, the “Waka and Tammy” star hopped in the Neighborhood Talk’s comments section to inform those who criticized the attire that the teenager passed the fingertip test. 

The fingertip test occurs when the length of one’s skirt is below the fingertips of the individual standing with their arms extended straight. 

“You know it’s crazy how LIL black girls get summed up to being too grown OR sexualized because they have a shape! God forbid you have a shape and style your Tooo Grown! Charlie skirt passed the finger tip test And she had on shorts underneath! But Becky and Karen can wear booty short with ugg boots to school and no one have anything to say!”

Tammy Rivera claps back at critics in The Neighborhood Talk’s comment section who “sexualized” her daughter Charlie’s outfit.Photo:@theneighborhoodtalk/Instagram

After Rivera’s rant, a handful of people still claimed the skirt was too short while others backed her statements about overly sexualizing those who are more developed. Several of them mentioned her parenting skills.

“This is real though.”

“You’re doing an amazing job as a mother. never let this internet make you even second guess your job in you doing anything less!

“Girl stop fussing with these people. YOU ARE THE PARENT and if it’s ok with you and the school then no one else matters.”

“Girls that were fully developed and had mature bodies were always looked at as fast… it’s sick. You can’t help how you’re built … Charlie never gave me grown vibes but dammit she’s growing the f–k up!”

Rivera’s latest run-in with fans isn’t the first time they passed judgment on her regarding Charlie’s outfit choices. In April, Rivera posted a sneak peek of her swimwear line by sharing a photo of herself and her daughter wearing a one-piece swimsuit. She captioned the post, “My baby @tammiesangel wants to model, so her mama gave her her first paid gig; Why not? Kimora Lee Simmons started runway modeling at the age of 14.”