Kenya Moore Speaks on Why She and Marc Daly Never Met Each Other’s Families Prior to Getting Married
Kenya Moore didn’t meet her estranged husband Marc Daly‘s parents until after they were married, and that’s just fine with her.
During the March 7 episode of “Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen After Show,” a fan put the cast member of “The Real Housewives of Atlanta” on the spot when she asked if alarms didn’t go off when Moore wasn’t able to meet Daly’s family before their big day. “I remember a few seasons ago when you mentioned that you didn’t get to meet Marc’s family. Was that not a red flag for you moving forward with a marriage with him?” she questioned at 2:40.

The model responded that it wasn’t a big deal to her at the time because he hadn’t met her family either, and blamed the late introduction on Daly having “family that live all over.” She added that Daly didn’t meet her family “either, until much later when my grandmother passed. “His family lives in another state so it happens when you have family that live all over.”
Moore previously stated that she met Daly’s parents’ in person at the baby shower for their daughter Brooklyn, explaining that the delay was a result of Marc’s tense relationship with them. “Yeah, I met them before,” she said during an April 2020 episode of “WWHL.”
“They came to my baby shower. We were in communication then. I just think that whatever happened in that relationship is between them.”
Although she was served divorce papers in a recent episode of the show, Moore revealed that Daly withdrew the petition. While they are currently not actively moving forward with proceedings, in spite of Daly’s statement issued in January 2021 which says otherwise, they haven’t reconciled either. “Currently we don’t have any divorce action in any court right now. He has not filed, I have not filed and that’s where we are,” she stated in an interview shared March 8.

“We’re not together right now. We’re still separated,” she continued. “We have been going through court issues like mediation and things like that and sometimes we hit a brick road and then he’ll react to that, I think, where I kind of stay quiet and let people say whatever they want to say. Right now nothing is happening with it. I don’t know what the future holds, but I just hope that we can be the most amazing parents to Brooklyn because we have the most incredible little girl that ever lived.”
Moore also stated that she’s “not dating” and denied dating profile rumors that she’d learned about. According to the Twirl Queen, she won’t be getting back into the dating scene until she’s 100 percent divorced. “I just think it’s better if you date people who are unentangled and you still have to honor your vows as well. I think if you’re married, you’re married. If you’re not married, you’re not married.”
Moore and Daly wed in 2017 and welcomed their daughter, Brooklyn Doris Daly, in 2018. The pair separated in September 2019 and unsuccessfully attempted to reconcile in 2020.